xxxi | pierre-luc dubois

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Audrey looked at herself in the mirror once more, making sure her hair looked alright before walking away

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Audrey looked at herself in the mirror once more, making sure her hair looked alright before walking away. She had just finished getting ready for her first date with one of her classmates, Pierre-Luc. The two had known each other for a while--they had gone to school together for many years--but had never really talked until Pierre-Luc had taken interest in her earlier that year.

She had always thought Pierre-Luc was kind of cute. She had never really had a true crush on him, but she definitely wasn't against the idea of going on a date or two. In fact, she wouldn't mind dating him, either.

Pierre-Luc had suggested that they go to LaRonde, an amusement park in Montreal. Audrey had never really been to many amusement parks, so she was looking forward to the chance. Besides, she figured going anywhere with Pierre-Luc would be fun.

She jumped up as her bell rang, signaling that Pierre-Luc had arrived. Before she could even get downstairs and to the door, her mom had answered the door and was talking with Pierre-Luc. Audrey was shocked that her mom had allowed her to make the hour and a half drive to Montreal, but she certainly wasn't complaining.

"I hope you're not embarrassing me too much," Audrey joked as she walked up to them. Pierre-Luc looked over at her and smiled, and she returned the smile before looking over at her mom.

"No, of course not," her mom told her. "Be safe, you two, alright?"

"Of course. Have a good day, Miss," Pierre-Luc said. Audrey quickly gathered her bag and grabbed a light jacket for later in the night, and the two headed out the door.

"Hi," she said to him once the door had closed, realizing she had never actually greeted him.

He laughed. "Hi."

The drive to LaRonde was round an hour and a half long, but it certainly didn't feel that long. Pierre-Luc let Audrey control the music, and she played her favorite songs and the two even sang along to some of them. Audrey was having an amazing time already. It was only their first date, but it felt like they had been on too many to count. She didn't think she could have felt more comfortable around Pierre-Luc.

Audrey flipped her sunglasses down from atop her head to cover her eyes as she stepped out of the car. They had just found a parking space int he crowded parking lot, and despite the number of people that sometimes ruined places like this, Audrey was excited.

"Ready to go?" Pierre-Luc questioned, locking the car that he had borrow from his dad for the occasion. His dad's car was much, much nicer than his, and he figured he should try to impress Audrey(as if this first date wasn't impressive enough).

"Is that even a question?" she laughed, and the two headed towards the front gates.

"Any clue what you wanna do first?" Pierre-Luc questioned once they were inside.

"I'm not sure, I've never really been to an amusement park before," Audrey replied, looking around. "What do you want to do?"

"I've always liked roller coasters," he told her.

"Huh. I've never been on one," she said nonchalantly, and Pierre-Luc almost stopped in his tracks.

"You haven't?" She shook her head. "You have to ride one, then. We'll start with a small one first. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, sure," Audrey agreed.

So, Pierre-Luc lead the two to a coaster called the Boomerang. Audrey wasn't really sure what Pierre-Luc had meant when he said small, this roller coaster looked a bit too big for her taste. However, she figured she should humor Pierre-Luc. He seemed to enjoy roller coasters, and she didn't want to ruin his fun.

By the time they got off the ride, Audrey had decided that she hated roller coasters. It was a little too fast for her liking.

"Safe to say I'm not going to be able to convince you to ride another one?" Pierre-Luc questioned, noticing how scared she looked.

"Not a chance."

The rest of Pierre-Luc and Audrey's date went smoothly. They walked around for a bit, eating over expensive food, playing various games, and overall just enjoying the sights and sounds of the park. The sun was setting by the time the two decided to call it a day, but not before taking a ride on the Ferris wheel.

The two boarded, sitting close to each other on the slightly uncomfortable bench in the car. There was a comfortable silence between the two as the ride began, and they slowly ascended to the top of the ride.

Near the top, Audrey felt lips quickly press against her cheek. She looked over at Pierre-Luc, a small smile painting her face. He shyly smiled back at her, and the silence continued as they both wondered what to do next.

When Pierre-Luc began leaning in, Audrey knew he was thinking the same thing she was. Slowly, she leaned in, finally pressing their lips together.

 Slowly, she leaned in, finally pressing their lips together

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i actually haven't been to an amusement park in years wow


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