Chapter 22: Sold?

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"Can you explain this act of yours to me?" I stromed into his office and threw the files on his table. He didn't even flinch on my loud voice. He just looked up and gave me a 'what' look.

I stayed silent thinking of may be he would pick up the files and see what I am trying to explain. But being the asshole stubborn he won't. Beside this, he is been a bit more arrogant from past whole week. Rolling my eyes I glare at him and asked,

"You have hired some people in accounts department?" He gave me a bored look as if I asked the most obvious question.

"They are my friends. Like Maha, they were with me in university. What's the problem of hiring them here?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow. "The isn't any problem in hiring them but MY POINT IS! WHY DID YOU HIRED THEM IN ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT AND THAT TOO WHERE WE SHOULD HIRE THE MOST TRUSTED PEOPLE?" he again ignored me and I sighed.

I walked forward and sat on the chair in front of him. "Listen Kashaan! " I closed the lid of laptop and he looked at me. "Who are they?" I asked.
"Malicx, faizan and osama. They were my besties back in university. " he answered and I nodded for him to continue. Because I wanted to know who they are. He never mentioned about them in years and now out of no where they appeared and he hired them at the post where they have access to our company's accounts and I can never trust someone like this.

Rule of business! Never trust anyone!

"They were busy in their lives these years thats why we couldn't have contact and you don't know them. Maha knows. And don't worry about their being trustworthy! They are much better than that. " he explained and I gave him a look.

"I don't trust people easily! Hope you know that very well. " I stood up and was about to walk outside when turned and said more like order, "I am transferring them to other department to see their work first. Their pay would be what you decide and their work would be what I decide. I hope that's okay with you?" Knowing he won't question my decisions until his demands are fulfilled and trust me I am not having a good feeling for those 3 idiots who have already done 3 transactions wrong with the excuse that 'we are new here' . Now lets give them a taste of being 'new' to any business company.

"And you better tell me the reason of your mood swings or else I would have to do something for that!" I closed the door before he could response. Now let's get some ass on track!



Life is so unpredictable! It have its own cunning way of dealing with the things! You couldn't comprehend a person by his looks or words saying wether he is happy or not. Wether he is lying or not. Wether the smile is true or its a fake one. Difficult to judge when the other one is expert at hiding the things.

But sometimes its we who are wrong judging that other one is not happy when in reality he surely is.

"Jaan?" Suddenly two hands came around my waist and hugged me from back. I hmmed in response and he placed his chin over my shoulder and looked at our reflection in the mirror.

"You were out again!" I said calmly and I frowned. "No. I wasn't. " I turned around in his arms and now faced him directly. "I have been calling you from past 15 minutes. You zooned out while brushing your hair. " he placed the strand of hair behind my ear and I smiled.

"I wasn't zoned out. I was....just... thinking. "

"Thinking of?"

"Aima have called several times in past week..." I looked down not wanting to put this topic again. I have been thinking of it too much in past week. She called and she seemed so happy. She said she enjoyed their honeymoon and now Kashaan have some business stuff there so they'll be staying there for some time. He have kept her in a big house with maids and things she needs. She.... she was quite happy.

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