Chapter 28: Distance?

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I fall in love with it...

Every time I see it...

The sight in front of this window!

The earth was wrapped up in a blanket of nearly trimmed green grass with huge trees surrounding it, guarding it from any wicked people that decided to cut this piece of land and build a skyscraper.

An outline of homogeneous mountain would stand far front of me as if its kept there to hide the sun from me every time it sets in the evening and set it free in every morning. Sadly all I could see was a black line because moom refused to grace it with its light.

Same is the case here. All I see was his presence, not his appearance. He might be here. He might be home or he might be busy, but he still come to see me. Ask for me. But never talk to me. A distant person is what he is being now a days.

Looking for his car to move out of drive way, I still hopped he would look up at me to even wave me?

But as usual, I was being wrong.

Am I expecting too much or am I thinking too much?

"I guess you are thinking too much dear. " answering my unasked question, Maria came inside the room.

"Hey!" I smiled while sitting near the edge of bed.

"Hot chocolate and pan cakes. Specially for you. " I smiled ear to ear at her announcement. Taking the tray from her hand, I sat on the bed quickly and took a sip of hot chocolate.

"Ahh... ooo... I...its h...hotttt...." it was quite hot more than I expected. Maria came forward and took the cup from my hand and kept it on the table beside.

"Give it some time sweetie! I am sure it would be worth it. " cleaning my face with the tissue she looked directly into my eyes and said these double meaning words. I looked at her for some time and then nodded.

Maria is right! Alot of things happened and time is needed to heal everything.

To forget about the scars of past and built a new future.

"I guess it's unfaithful to just give her the special hot chocolate and not me!" My thoughts were broken by Zayn entering the room. Its been almost 2 weeks since that incident and I have recovered alot. Zayn was there always but on the timings I was mostly sleeping. I guess today he purposely came early in the morning.

"Come! I'll get you one too. Come sit!" Zayn placed the shopping bags over the couch and the bouquet of flowers in my hand. I smiled while Maria went outside.

"Make it two. Ayla is also coming. " Zayn shouted and Maria smiled.

"Okay so these are... I don't know... you girls seriously brag us so much! How can a little boy survive. " he made an exhausting expressions to which I laughed. He sat at the edge of bed while putting his legs crossed over bed facing me. I took a sip of my hot chocolate.

"So! How is my lolla?"

"Stop calling me that. And I am fine!" He actually thinks that I look and behave like the Looney tunes cartoon named "Lolla" and I am offended because obviously how am I supposed to be a cartoon? That too of baby Looney tunes? Am I a kid or what?

"You are!" I looked at him and he smiled.

"Well! I being the tazz! I have enough fight with your bunny for you! And here I don't even have the right to call you by the Nick name. " he made a sad face but that wasn't my concern right now. Fight with my bunny? Means Kashaan? What fight?

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