Chapter 2 - Part. 2: Stage 2

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"So, locals are talking, they're saying the black haired hottie who's always with you on your social media feed might be your girlfriend, when will you tell everyone?"

"I don't know, it's my own business, it's not like I'm hiding her, but I'm not ready to rub her in front of everyone's faces as my girlfriend, besides, she's not my girlfriend anymore".

Silence takes over between MC and Melissa, and both of them kept in blank uncomfortably trying to look elsewhere for a while, then Melissa, said while grabbing her hand "I'm sorry, wanna talk about it?" and MC advised her friend "Not here, I might start crying, and it will be awkward on you and everyone else here."

"True that, how about we go to the store, get something to drink and just talk about it? You can stay at my place..."

The girls went and bought a bottle of vodka and a pack of sweet strawberry gummies and went to a park nearby Melissa's place, they sat in the swings and started talking about MC's relationship with Kaitlyn while swinging MC sorrows as the night ages.

"She is such a sweet girl, tough cookie, so creative, thoughtful, I miss her so much".

"Aren't you friends anymore?" and MC took a big sip directly from the bottle and answered "We still talk, not us about us, I guess I like that she tries to be my friend, but I'm not ready to be hers, and she doesn't seem to get it". And Melissa, trying to reassure MC confidence that things will get better said "I've been there before, it sucks, but I've got you now I'll be right around your corner everytime you need me". MC looked at her directly in the eyes while hugging her and said "Thanks, I'm gonna need your help, I can't be all over Kaitlyn, I need to stop thinking and feeling as her girlfriend".

Melissa watches MC anxiously looking at her phone for new messages very often, and told her "Your battery might run out if you keep watching the screen every 3 minutes you know? then you'll probably miss the reply you've seem to be waiting for", and MC sulkingly said "You're right".

"So, what's that about? You've just said you needed some space from Kaitlyn". Melissa asked while grabbing the sweet strawberry gummies.

"It's not about her". MC said trying to take the package away from Melissa.

"What's about then?". Melissa asked while putting her hands in her hips as sign of nonunderstanding MC's words.

"I don't know... girls are complicated" said trying not to look beaten about it.

"Tell me about it" Melissa answered, she knew that MC was going through, she was the first person back home who knew MC had a relationship with a girl back in college, and also MC was the first person to know a lot of things about Melissa.

"Seems like we're out of vodka, how about we get some sleep?" Melissa told MC, trying not to get to the part where MC starts to feel desperate and starts to cry about not being with her significant other. And both of them started to walk home, while the night became a little lighter and cold.

Next morning MC arrives home, feeling a little hungover and her mom starts asking if everything is alright, MC's mom said she can see sadness, emptiness, a mix of despair on her daughter eyes. "You can't fool me, I'm your mom. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I just need to know, if you're going to be ok".

"Kaitlyn and I broke up a couple of weeks ago". MC said looking at the floor with a teary voice as she walked to her room.

MC throw herself in her bed, put herself inside her sheets and started to cry without being afraid of other people seeing or listening her crying, she was finally setting her emotions free, she didn't wanted to do it at Hartfeld to spare her friends of taking sides between she and Kaitlyn. MC felt the black hole inside of her expanding as she cried, but it felt relieving to her, just letting it all go.

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