Chapter 3 - Jupiter Rising

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"I can't believe you're doing this to me, I already booked a Villa, and it wasn't easy making both of my parents feel guilty about breaking up..."

"I know, I'm so sorry Becca, but my parents gave me this cruise as a surprise, and I don't want to miss it."

"But we're like like sisters..."

"Oh Becca, please say it... "

"What's the point? you're not coming anyway"

"I know, but I wanted to hear it, I wish I could take you"

"Oh please, you only wanted me there to tell you what to wear, without me you have no sense of fashion."

"Being mean won't change things."

"I know, the world would be a different place if it does."

"I'm really sorry. Couldn't you ask someone else?, have fun, you deserve it, you've got tons of tons of guys all over the world drooling for you."

"I know, but it was supposed to be a best friends weekend, not a hookups one. But I guess I'll figure something out. You have fun.

"I always do".

"I've seen cruises a thousand times, but make sure to take pictures of everything. I still want you to tell me everything."

"Okay Becca". And Madisson hung up.

This sucked, Becca had backmailed her parents to pay for everything, this weekend was supposed to be a get away from all of the divorce drama at home, but she was completely alone now. She had no one to turn to. She took her phone again and started to see MC's social account. Truth is, she always had fun with MC, so what if she spend the weekend with MC on Santa Cruz? MC was someone she could talk to, she proved to be a good listener, but she had drama of her own, and she wasn't willing to take someone on a "romantic weekend" only to have that someone moping about their own issues. She asked her sister to come along, she could use this trip too, but she had her own plans. It all came down to go to Santa Cruz with MC or not go at all. Who else will fill the requirements of being a good listener, know her, and not have any any plans?

MC: "Hi Becca, It's so nice to hear from you, I thought I would not know from you until we go back to Hartfeld"

MC heard a silence on the other side and thought Becca called her by accident, until she finally asked:

Becca: "Hey, do you like sunny California?"

MC: "Yeah, but why are you calling me to ask me about the weather on your hometown? Wouldn't you know about that more than myself?"

Becca: "I know a lot of things more than yourself, but I'm not calling you to see who knows what"

MC: "Why are you calling me then?"

Becca: "If you can't shut up, I can't tell you, you're making regret calling you, I have an offer..."

MC: "Are you taking me to your hometown?"

Becca: "Kind of, see, the thing is I'm going to Santa Cruz this weekend, and there's a room for you with myself included and our name on it if you decide to come... But you'll have to come for yourself, money is tight for me with the divorce thing, and I know you're super poor and all, and all but I can help you with half of the airplane ticket, so what do you say?"

MC: "Are you kidding me? Of course I'm in. I can use some away time myself, but on one condition"

Becca: "Get over yourself, you're not the one to set the terms here".

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