Chapter 13 - Don't Know Where It Is

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"Something happened?" Chris asked MC

"I'm just not used to this, but I could do it," MC replied with a smile as she gazed around the spa Chris took her.

Chris and MC were in the sauna and there was something on Chris' chest he felt this was the perfect time to get out, Chris was happy to have some time alone with MC, in the past, he had not made gestures of wanting to be more present in his life, because Chris felt drowned in responsibilities, leaving him little time for MC, he just wanted to let MC know how important she was in his life and that he wanted to be there for her because MC had been present at every moment where he had self doubts. Chris felt it was time to return the favor to MC, letting her know that he was there for her, despite the past, and he finally felt plucky enough and said:

"You know, sometimes the heart drives us to things that we don't want, or things we think aren't right." While taking MC's hand.

"Chris, what... are... you doing?" MC slowly said as he pulled his hand away from him.

"Something I know I should have done a long time ago" Chris said as he got closer to MC pushing her towards him into a hug

"Chris this 'thing' between us can't happen, not again" MC said while trying to get away from him.

"MC, I know, I just want things to be as easy as they were in the past" Chris said as he was still clenching MC in a hug.

MC kept trying to get away from Chris, and MC felt uncomfortable with the hug, because she had someone else in her heart and answered "Chris, I'm confused about a lot of things, and I don't think things at home can hold another relationship between us"

"I know, just let me finish, and then you can go if you feel you need to" Chris said as he continued to hug MC forcibly.

MC felt that Chris's hug was sincere, but still, the whole thing with Chris would put the last nail in the coffin for things with Becca and when he could not take it anymore she said "Chris, I... Becca... a fling... well something a little more... between us" as she looked down and walked away from Chris.

"I know." Chris said with a smile, allowing her to get away from him, and took her hand.

MC widened her eyes as she asked "How do you know?" while recovering her hand from Chris.

"See, last night at the party, I saw when Becca came to your room, she had something black in her hands, I'm really sorry, didn't mean it to happen like this, but at the time, I thought Becca would play a prank on us, and I told Zack what I had seen, he thought Becca was going to dance about a bet, but I knew, I dated her (Becca) before, I don't think Zack knows there's something between you two though" Chris said.

"But how Chris, how do you know?" MC asked

Chris narrowed his eyes and said "I used to date both of you" as he put his hand on MC's shoulder and looked at her eyes.

MC took a deep breath and let out a sigh as she said "I thought for a second you wanted me back, oh god, now I'm so ashamed" and covered her face with her hands.

"Yes, I think I had that impression, and maybe I should have been clearer from the beginning, but it was so funny seeing you not knowing what to do, how to tell me, I didn't expect you to tell me like this". Chris said

"I don't want things with her to end yet" MC said as she looked down.

"Hey, there is nothing to be ashamed of, I just want you to know that Becca is an amazing girl, and you are too, and I think that if both of you work on doing things right, you will have everything you want from whatever you guys have, after all, I have nothing but love for both of you, especially you MC. What I'm trying to say MC is that you have my blessing, and I can keep the secret if you need me to. I'll be your wingman".

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