Chapter 1 - Curtains

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Becca: Listen, MC... This was nice, but let's not make it a regular thing, okay?

MC: Oh, okay... So, this was a one-time thing?

Becca: Bingo.

MC: Oh, that's too bad, It seemed like we really clicked

Becca: Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but last night wasn't serious. Look, I appreciate that you let me vent you, and the sex was great, but that's where it ends. Come on, MC. You and me? What would people think?

MC: I don't really care what people think

Becca lets out a sigh and said -I don't regret last night, but I see it for what it is. We're just two people who needed to lean on each other. And now we both need to get back to fixing our respective drama.

MC: I guess so, I'll, um, see myself out then.

MC gathers her clothes and starts to get dressed.

Becca: Hey... Good luck with your stuff, you know?

MC: Thanks Becca, you too

Becca: Oh, and MC?

MC: Yeah?

Becca: You're welcome

MC starts to walk towards the suite while thinking - "I hope Kaitlyn won't find out about last night, I mean, I hate to keep secrets from her, and I know we're in good terms and all

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MC starts to walk towards the suite while thinking - "I hope Kaitlyn won't find out about last night, I mean, I hate to keep secrets from her, and I know we're in good terms and all..." but MC still kept feelings for Kaitlyn and hurting her was the last thing she wanted to do, after all, they've been through a lot together, like MC about to leave Hartfeld, Kaitlyn coming out to her friends, family, and their entire school, there were a lot of memories they couldn't swipe away, not because of a breakup.

MC felt that breaking up with Kaitlyn was a mistake, mostly because she pronounced those words lightly, thinking they might get back together later on, she'd wish to take it all back and start again, but now it wasn't the time to be soppy and crying about it. Not just after spending the night with her long enemy, Becca. MC wanted to make things right for Kaitlyn, she knew in her heart, she made a mistake, same as Kaitlyn, they both got hurt in the process, so maybe, their friendship was a good way to heal themselves and start with a clean slate.

But today wasn't about Kaitlyn or Becca, MC watched her clock and realized it was getting late, and she still needed to start packing to visit James in LA. When she was about to finish, there was a soft knock on the door, it was Kaitlyn.

-Come in?- MC said.

-Are you still packing? - Kaitlyn asked with a surprised look on herself.

- Yeah, I'm sorry I'm a bit late, could you still take me to the airport? - MC asked

- Of course I can, I can't let my girl... em, I mean, my friend go alone like a moron to the airport, what would other people think of me if they saw you like that? -Kaitlyn replied with a grin, and immediately asked - Can I ask you something, and promise me you wont take it in a bad way? I know I was a jerk to you, and I'm not sure I'll be ever able to make you forgive me... - Then MC interrupted her saying - It will take more than being a jerk to set us apart... - What I'm trying to say is that I know I was wrong in a lot of things when we were together, and even when you're hot, I'm trying not to be the awful jealous ex that can't get over her emotions by asking this, and let me finish, it ain't easy to me, but I gotta ask... - Said Kaitlyn while looking down and frowning her face. -Ask away - MC finally said. -Well, I know last night was difficult for you, I saw you left by your own, and I was worried about you, I stayed up as long as I could to try to talk to you, but fell asleep while watching The Waagen Files: Die Beschwörung. Are you Ok?, where you went last night? - Kaitlyn asked.

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