Chapter 16: Heavy

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"You should go after her..." Madison's words kept ringing on Kaitlyn's head, she couldn't believe her ears, neither her eyes, was MC having an affair with Madison? why else will she be whispering and laughing at MC? Why will MC look at Madison this way? Like she accepted Madison's support, over what? If so, that would make so much sense why Becca was so pissed about it, for once Kaitlyn stopped thinking Becca was after MC.

On the other corner of the room Abbie was looking at the entire scene, first Becca and MC coming down the stairs, then the fight with Madison where Becca stormed out, Madison grabbing MC by her arm and whispering something, the three of them without noticing Kaitlyn was close enough to see Becca storming out and maybe overhearing what Madison had to say, she wondered how things looked from Kaitlyn's point of view.

Abbie saw how Kaitlyn's face changed after the previous events, and followed her, she understood after their breakup, everyone seemed so focused on MC, that no one paid attention to her, and felt sorry for Kaitlyn regarding the whole MC's new best friend situation, and started walking to her.

"Do you wanna talk?" Abbie asked Kaitlyn

"About what?" Kaitlyn quickly answered while trying to look elsewhere and Abbie took a deep breath and let out a sight.

"Well, actually I'm the one who needs someone to talk to, do you mind lending an ear?" Abbie asked again

"Yeah, sure, but, do you wanna do this now?" Kaitlyn questioned Abbie as she replied "Well, do you have something else to do? somewhere to go maybe?" Abbie lifted an eyebrow at Kaitlyn as she replied: "I could use a distraction or two" and added "but first let's go somewhere we can talk better" and took Abbie to her room.

Inside Kaitlyn's room she said "I only brought you here cause I think we both need to unwind and we have some privacy here" Abbie let out a sight and said: "So, here's the deal, I can't see to pass through Tyler..." and Kaitlyn answered with levity on her tone "Well he's not a ghost". Abbie rolled her eyes, she knew something has happened to Kaitlyn while Becca and Madison had an argument, she wanted her to open up to her and tried to break Kaitlyn's shell by telling her what she think happened to her as if it was whatever was happening to her and Tyler: "Kait, you know what I mean, he seems so distant, like he's forgot about our relationship, our friendship and all... It's like he only rathers hang out with some other people, people who he seemed to strongly dislike in the past"

Kaitlyn started to feel her heart pounding and a tickling sensation at the time Abbie was talking to her about her relationship with Tyler, cause Kaitlyn perceived that Abbie knew all along how she was feeling about MC, everything that she was going with Tyler was very similar to what was happening between MC, Becca and Madison and tried to give Abbie an honest answer "Look, I know what you're trying to do here, I don't know how you could fix this Abbie, cause sometimes I feel I'm not good enough to solve my own relationships, I know it's been a while, but I can't seem to make MC the way we were before we started dating, plus, she can't seem to stop gravitating around Becca and Madison" Kaitlyn said while she saw Madison leaving on her window.

Abbie walked close to Kaitlyn and said "Wow, I'm pretty sure MC tries to be your friend too, have you talked to her about how you are feeling these days?" Kaitlyn turned around and said: "I don't want to make things weird between us".
Abbie rolled her eyes and shrugged as she said "Well, I don't think things are going to be weird, MC has help you a lot with everything on your band, and I'm sure she'll keep helping you. I don't mean to be mean to you, but I think you're overreacting about what just happened downstairs, sounds to me you are emotionally drained and in need of a hug" and Abbie walked closer to Kaitlyn and put her arms around Kaitlyn clenching her into a tight meaningful hug while Kaitlyn took a deep breath, let out a sight and closed her eyes and just thanked Abbie for being so perceptive.

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