Chapter 9: Part 1: A Good Day

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It was a mid day and as MC is approaching the edge of campus, someone darts out from the trees and collides with her. They drop an armful of textbooks, and when she bends to help pick them up, they snap at MC

Becca: Can you like, get your paws off my stuff?

MC: Becca? I almost didn't recognize--

Becca: Shhh! Not so loud! Come on, let's get away from the main path.

She ducks through the trees and MC followed her to the edge of some nearby shrubs

MC: Is everything okay? Are you in trouble?

Becca started to tell everything that has happened to her in the last weeks, after they got together at Kappa's, she told MC about her mom's prenup with her dad, how her dad was not willing to pay any more fees at Kappa, how they had to sell most of her clothes to make ends meet, and what hurted her the most, feeling backstabbed by Madison just days afters she gave her that stupid key necklace.

Becca remembered grabbing Madison's hands in the past, and telling her how they'll have Kappa and their friendship forever, now all of that is gone.

At this point Becca started to cry silently and MC just saw Becca's tears and pulled her close to her shoulder and tried to comfort her, hugging her and stroking her hair, MC smelled her hair, it didn't smell as good as it usually does, but it was still Becca's natural scent, and she felt happy to have her in her arms and smelling that familiar scent again. MC grabbed Becca's hands and told her about meeting Madison at the quad, and how Madison told her everything about Kappa. Becca felt she needed to "set the record straight" and started telling MC she was the one who quit Kappa because she thought none of those girls were her true friends, instead of Madison's version where she had to quit. Becca's been through a rough path, she desperately needed a win. She knew MC will give her one, but she felt she had to earn a win from anything else in her life, she did not wanted to have MC's pitty.

Becca told her about her misfortunes, how she was basically homeless now, MC was pissed, how could the school be so mean to her, Becca's not a lucky charm, but she's done a lot for the school to be turned down like this. Kappa was pretty big for the school, in the past, Becca has been a poster girl for them, this was outrageous, she had to do something about this, that is when she remembered there was an available room, so she proposed Becca to live at the at old professor Vasquez' place and invited her to check the place out.

Becca eyes widened and in shock she asked MC "Are you asking me to move in with you?"

MC: Why not? I wouldn't mind being closer to you.

Becca: Ugh, don't even start.

MC: Oh... I thought after last year... Are you not into me like that?

Becca: It's not that, it's just... How can you even stand to look at me when I'm dressed like garbage?

MC: Becca... I like you for more than just your clothes. Although, for what it's worth, I still think you look cute.

Becca: I think that's a lie, but I'll take it anyway.

MC: So, how about it? Come live with me and my friends?

Becca: I guess I don't have any other options. Fine show me your hovel.

    They arrived at MC's, and Becca felt threatened, she was entering unknown territory, this was Kaitlyn's. At times Becca felt envious of Kaitlyn, everyone knew that MC was living with Kaitlyn, again. It crossed Becca's mind that MC and Kaitlyn could be having make up sex, or just a couple of one night stands, after all, what would make her think that she and MC would be together after turning her down so many times due to her own self doubt? "Kaitlyn would be very happy to see me like this" Becca thought to herself, as she was walking in the house, and started to take a couple of steps back. MC realized Becca was nervous about this, and hold her hands and looked at her in the eyes and told her: "Oh, come on, they seriously don't care. This is our sitting area, then around the corner is the kitchen..." as MC showed her the common areas, Becca cautiously creeps forward, gazing around the room. Kaitlyn and Zack look up as she enters.

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