Chapter 9 - Part 3: Gems of Pure Light

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Later that evening, MC settle down in the living room to work on her football article while she waits for her housemates to assemble.

Zack enters the room and joins MC on the couch.

Zack: Well, well, look who survived her shopping trip with Becca!

MC filled in Zack on the details about shopping plain furnitures with Becca, she told him she had a great time, and Zack told her it was really sweet from her to help Becca in a time like this. As MC said "I know she and I have a history, but... maybe it's time to put aside petty rivalries." she re-lived on her mind what happened just minutes ago:

"I understand, but I guess we'll just have to share." Becca kissed MC again as she started to stroke MC's back while kissing her in the neck, MC started to feel warm inside, like a fireball growing inside of her, somehow she felt the urge of touching Becca, she has thought a lot of her in the past days, it seemed like Becca had found a way to stay on MC's mind, first at Kappa's house, then at her freshman suite, on Santa Cruz and many other places.

As Becca kissed and bitten MC's neck, she grabbed MC's hand and putted it in her crotch. Becca looked at MC in the eyes and nodded, as she reassured her by saying "yup... do it". 

MC was shocked, Becca had never allowed MC to touch her like this, she was always the one in control calling all the shots in bed, MC felt Becca's moisture as she felt every part of Becca between her legs and looked at her with a smirk on her face and asked: "so, isn't this weather strange for California?" 

Becca rolled her eyes and annoyedly said: "you are SO killing the mood, I think I'm gonna regret this..." 

MC accepting the challenge with a smirk on her face answered "Oh really?" and MC started to stroke her crotch as she continued feeling Becca's moisture and she softly sank her fingertips inside Becca, being almost too careful while kissing her neck. She looked at Becca standing, as she moved her hips rhythmically following MC's impetuous hands movements.

Becca leaned against MC, although it was hard to keep the balance in this position Becca put one of her hands behind MC's neck and rolled one of her legs around MC's waist just above MC's ass, her other hand on the shower wall, Becca started moaning following MC's hands moving inside of her. Becca increasingly made louder sounds, as if she's got nothing else in the world to worry about and MC started to worry that someone could hear them now that Becca was being louder.

"Shh, Becs, please, keep it quiet" MC said as Becca continued moving against her, and MC putted a hand in her mouth to keep her from making more loud noises.

"Aren't... you... bossy... huh...?" Becca said while gasping for air and grinning at the same time, and MC kept moving her hands getting Becca utter a choked moan while she tapped MC's shoulder to let her know she has finished.

"Thanks, I really needed that" Becca said as she reached MC's chin with her right hand and gave her a soft kiss, she grabbed MC's hand and said "look, I need to get going before anyone comes here, see you at movie night, honey". And Becca winked at her as she left the room.

Zack: Aww, you're so mature! You really are the group mom!

MC: Oh, stop. So other than teasing me, What are you up to right now?

Zack told MC he was planning on building a wine rack and asked MC some help building it, they went outside to start building it, they talked about his love life after Brandon, he said he was starting to come through their breakup, he was finding himself through building things for the house, and the newspaper's article.

A little while later, everyone gathers in the living room. Kaitlyn brings a bowl of popcorn from the kitchen, as they get ready to watch the movie, they started playing catch with popcorns. MC asked her roommates to stop playing cause they'll make a mess and they all kept calling her house mom. MC saw all of them but Becca gathered in the living room.

MC sits in the couch as Kaitlyn sits next to her handing the bowl towards MC "Popcorns?"

"Sure, thanks Kaitlyn" MC answered as she grabbed a handful of popcorns and started eating them one by one, as she grinned at Kaitlyn.

Becca frowns and starts to feel anger and with an annoyed look yells in her head: "LIIIAAAOOOO!", she felt like sitting in the middle of them them to get Kaitlyn away from MC, they've just shared a moment in the showers, but she knew it might ring an alarm or two, Becca herself was the one who suggested to keep thing discreetly between them, plus she knew they were lucky enough no one saw them before. Instead Becca went to the couch and realize there was no space left for her in the couch, Chris wanted to give her his place, but she insisted she did not want to bother anyone else and decided she'll sit in the floor, she grabbed a pillow and sat close to Kaitlyn's feet. Becca closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she repeated to herself a couple of times Machiavelli's words "It is not necessary that a prince possesses all the mentioned virtues, but it is indispensable that he appears to possess them (...) It is central to know how to disguise things well and to be a master in pretense". Instead of being all over MC and risk anyone gets suspicious about them, she chose to be close to Kaitlyn.

As the film progressed, Becca was annoyed by Kaitlyn remarks and every fun fact Kaitlyn throw about the movie. The girl knew her film genre. It seemed that Kaitlyn was looking for excuses to touch MC, either touching her arm, or slap her on the leg, these were the small gestures that bothered Becca the most, not being able to identify if those caresses were friendly or if they were something else that Kaitlyn wanted from MC that she could not contain herself.

When the movie ended, the gang went to clean up everything, Becca and MC picked up the blankets and pillows they had been using, Kaitlyn and Chris went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, while Zack swept the room to pick up the remains of popcorn and other food, once they had fixed all the blankets and pillows, Becca went outside to throw the garbage and Zack had gone to his room.

MC went to take a missing bowl to the kitchen when she heard Kaitlyn and Chris talking:

"Hey Chris, is Becca frisky?" Kaitlyn asked Chris while she was drying the dishes.
"Well, she's really sexy, in every way, why do you ask, are you trying discover some dark secret?" Chris asked playfully.
"Do you promise not to tell anyone?" Kaitlyn said as she lowered her voice.
"Sure, you can trust me" Chris said as he pulled his head closer to Kaitlyn to listen to her.
Kaitlyn looked at both sides of the room and said: "In the afternoon, I heard Becca in the bathroom, the woman has strange customs, according to what I heard, she was playing with herself" with a choked laughing.
"I... do not believe you" Chris said in astonishment as he walked away from her making a gesture of wanting to believe Kaitlyn.
"I know what I heard, I know the sound of another woman's pleasure" said Kaitlyn with a grin in her face.

In that moment the sound of a plate breaking interrupted their conversation, MC felt a cold run down her back, they thought they were alone at home in the afternoon, they did not know that Kaitlyn had stayed in her room, which was near the bathroom, studying.

"I'm sorry," said MC, as he continued to digress: "I must be really tired. I've stumbled and broken the plate, I'll clean this and I'll go to my room."

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