Chapter 17: Stars and Moons

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After Kaitlyn's Battle of Bands, Kaitlyn asked MC to go buy some party supplies with her, they arrived at the store and while they where they were walking the aisles grabbing everything they needed, Kaitlyn felt there was something she wanted to get out of her chest.

Kaitlyn: I want to talk to you about something, but I don't want it to be weird

MC: Oh, c'mon Kaitlyn, please shoot.

Kaitlyn: Okay, I like Annisa

MC: I know, and she likes you back

Kaitlyn: Have you talked to her about me?

MC: No babe, but I can see it. The way she looks at you from afar, it's everything to me, I live for it.

Kaitlyn: What are you talking about? She doesn't looks at me

MC: She does, I've seen her looking at you before.

Kaitlyn: Really?

MC: Yes.

Kaitlyn: Do you think I have a chance with her?

MC: I think you should make a move tonight, if you don't, I will.

Kaitlyn: Wait! do you like her too?

MC: I'm kidding, she's cute and all, but my hope is it lights a fire under your ass and ask her out already!

Kaitlyn: I wonder how anyone can feel so much in such short time and not die? I feel she can nest my universe, you know?

MC: Huh, you like her that much?

Kaitlyn: I do.

MC: Well, we'll have to get something extra special for you then.

Kaitlyn: Thanks MC. I thought this conversation would be weird.

MC: Only if you make it weird, I loved you before, but that kind of love just turned into something different, I still love you, but it's different this time. I'm okay with us being friends, now let's go and find something Annisa can't say no to.


Kaitlyn and MC gets home and start to hang the decorations for their girls night out, and as Becca walks in Kaitlyn tells her about the girls night and ask who's coming

MC: It's you, me, Kaitlyn and Abbie, of course and Reyna and Annisa should be here soon.

Abbie tells Becca Kailtyn's band made it to the next round and Becca stares at Kailtyn, turns and gives MC an uncertain look, then turns back to Kailtyn.

Becca: Uh... Congratulations! I, um, really enjoyed what I've heard from your band. You guys deserve it.

Kaitlyn: Wow, um, thanks, Becca. That means a lot.

Becca lets out a breath, then quickly sits down and lowers her head between her knees

Abbie: Are you okay?

Becca: I'll be fine in a minute. Sorry, it's just... Caring about others takes a lot out of me, you know?

Kaitlyn and Abbie throws MC quizzical glances and MC shrugs

MC: Becca... Don't be a drama queen.

Becca: MC, come on! I said something nice! Baby steps, right?

Kaitlyn: No it's fine, I appreciate it Becca.

The guest arrives and Becca proposes to play Dare or Dare, MC dared Kaitlyn to streak around the block, and Annisa shows her face to the window to see her doing it, as Kaitlyn is streaking around the block, Annisa tells the group how incredibly hot she thinks Kaitlyn is and MC takes a chance to wing-man for her friend.

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