Chapter 11 - Breezeblocks

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    Next morning MC was having coffee and some waffles, sitted with Zack at a table "Last night, things got out of hands with Sebastian, why would he destroy our wine rack?" MC said as she took a bite of her breakfast.
Zack rolling his eyes answered  "Cause that is what he does, he destroys everything around him"
MC tilted her head to the side and frowned as she said: "Can you believe, he's Tyler's friend now?"
Zack nodded as he said "I know, how weird is that?"
MC frowned too as she asked him "Why did Tyler bring him up in the first place?"
Zack excitedly said "Talking about weird and more fun things, I gotta ask... I saw Becca gesturing you to come her way, and you leaving Madison to talk to her, are you her minion now? ...a follower to her natural born leadership maybe?"
"Stop it, she's going through a lot, I just want to be there for her, same as I've been with everyone else here" MC said as she tilted her head resting her head into her palm, looking deeply at her waffles.
"I thought for a while you're becoming her follower, she seems to be around you all the time" Zack told her while focusing his eyes on her.
MC took a deep breath and answered "She's not, I guess she talks to me the most, she's no longer talking to Madison, 'cause they got into a fight because of everything that happened at Kappa. I guess the girl is just alone".
"Will you help me building this thing again?" Zack said while pointing to what is left of the wine rack.
"I can't, actually I've got to go now, I need to be at the library and meet with James" MC as she looked at her watch.

MC went to the library to meet with James, she talked about being worried Sebastian plotting something against the gang

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MC went to the library to meet with James, she talked about being worried Sebastian plotting something against the gang. James suggested not to let Sebastian gets under her skin, and avoid getting into confrontations with him. James congratulates MC for her article about the football team and Chris leadership, and told her it might be on the first page, and MC said she wanted to write about the road trip, and James gave her the go for it.

MC went straight home, she was anxious to start writing about the road trip with the gang, at home MC bumps into a girl, a brunette freshman with a cute kid like face, called Annisa, she presented herself as the new keyboardist on Kaitlyn's band

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MC went straight home, she was anxious to start writing about the road trip with the gang, at home MC bumps into a girl, a brunette freshman with a cute kid like face, called Annisa, she presented herself as the new keyboardist on Kaitlyn's band.
The two of them exchanged words, as MC sees Kaitlyn being too excited while looking at her, MC goes to talk to Kaitlyn, who said Annisa is pretty big deal. At this point MC started to feel sorry about Annisa, because she seemed really sweet, and she does not deserves to be mistreated, despite sometimes MC felt that Kaitlyn had really hurt her, she tried to be friends with her but she found herself fighting with her inner self to put their past relationship behind her, even more when she was fond of Becca.
Kaitlyn started walking towards the living room and called MC.
Kaitlyn: MC, help me make some popcorn.
MC: But weren't you just --
Kaitlyn tugs MC to her feet and into the kitchen. In the kitchen, Kaitlyn spins suddenly to face MC with an excited grin.
Kaitlyn: So what you think of the band? She jumps up and down a little, looking at MC expectantly.
MC told Kaitlyn she likes the band, and she tells MC she rather be in the new band than The Gutter Kittens, Kaitlyn is happy Annisa fits in the group, as if she has been part of the band since forever.
MC squinting her eyes told Kaitlyn in a flirty tone that Annisa is cute, almost suggesting Kaitlyn's interest in her, Kaitlyn agrees she has a soft spot for her, cause she is sweet, unlike Natasha, and Kaitlyn started to remember her last words with Natasha:


"You're so going to regret this" Natasha said in a angridly tone frowning at Kaitlyn.
"Oh yeah? 'cause you're the one regretting it now that your band has fall apart, you need me more than I need you" Kaitlyn decisively yelled at Natasha
"Look, You're nothing without me, it is going to be so easy for me to end you" Natasha said as she started to walk out on Kaitlyn.


The band played a whole song at the living room to MC, and MC liked it very much and suggested they sing about happy and cheerful things when they  said they have not written the lyrics yet. Annisa manifested her love for peppy music, and thought MC had great ideas for them.
MC asked Kaitlyn about Natasha and Kaitlyn started to relieve things with Natasha in her mind
"But Natasha, I have a girlfriend, and she's important to me too..." Kaitlyn said with tears almost coming out of her eyes
"Relax Kaitlyn, I'm not asking you to marry me" Natasha answered while packing her amps
Kaitlyn rolled her eyes and said "I don't want to marry you".
Natasha stopped packing her amps and walked towards Kaitlyn and looked at her eyes and holding Kaitlyn's hand said "Look, I respect you and your girlfriend, I rather you be as responsible as you are with the band as you are to your girlfriend and everything else in your life, It just seems as if everything else is more important to you than us" And she walked out the backstage room and slammed the door.

Rachel tells MC that Natasha started a new band called 'Loose Pins' and Kaitlyn is excited about the bands playing one against the other. Kaitlyn has always looked up on Natasha, cause she feels Natasha is a great musician, and she needed to prove herself to feel she could make good music too, those last words ("Look, You're nothing without me, it is going to be so easy for me to end you")  kept ringing on Kaitlyns head, and she always felt she needed to prove her wrong.
The band was excited about writing the lyrics and they all shared their influences, saying they will like to try new sounds, they felt they were not free enough with Natasha, cause she was too strict on maintaining a punk vibe to their sound.
    After hanging out with Kaitlyn's band, MC and Zack went to Abbie and Tyler's apartment, they all had diner and hang out until the evening until it was time to go to Chris' Football game, and MC said her goodbyes and went to her house.
    When she arrived home Becca and Kaitlyn were waiting for MC in the living room.

Kaitlyn: "There you guys are! Are you ready to be the best cheering section in all Hartfeld history?"
Becca pantomimes barfing while Zacks lets out a whoop.
Becca: Nobody said living with you guys meant I had to join your embarrassing friendship rituals.
Zack: Becca, I'm pretty sure it was a given.
MC: Wait, let me see if I have anything more fitting to wear before we leave, I'll be right back.
MC rushed to her room. And starts to find something more fitting to the game.
Becca opened MC's door, "Hey, there's something I need to do before we go there"
"Why don't you do it then? Do you want me wait?" MC asked her.
Becca slides herself into MC's room and locked the door, as she cupped MC's face and kissed MC urgently.  "Well, I guess we can go now"
MC raised an eyebrow and smiled at Becca and said "I guess you like to play hide and seek"
Becca grinned and answered her "Yeah, I hide from your friends and seek for you" as she grabbed MC's hand, intertwined her fingers and started to leave the room.

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