Chapter 12 - Magic

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The gang went to the football game, they were excited to cheer Chris and Zig, when the game was about to start and all of them were at their seats MC leaned near Becca's ear and whispered:

"Do you want to bet?"

"A bet huh?, sounds... attractive, not as much as you do, but, maybe... screw it, I'm in, what's the bet?" Becca said as she put a hand in her waist and focused her eyes on MC

MC smiled at Becca and said "Knights are going to win, but, can you guess the outcome?"

Becca rolled her eyes and nonchalantly yet with playful tone on her voice said "I'm not a football fan, but my clairvoyant powers tells me that regardless our bet, tonight I'll be in your room, and you'll be smiling at me"

MC looked at Becca, let out a sigh and said "Come on Becca, you're no fun, let's place a bet"

Becca rolled her eyes and took a deep breath as she got close to MC's ear pecked her ear and said "Okay, I guess, 30-21 for our Knights"

MC widened her eyes and asked "30-21?"

Becca frowned and asked annoyedly "Is that a problem?"

MC smirked and answered "The only problem you'll have is me when I win and take the reins tonight".

Becca padded her shoulder and said "Oh my poor child!".

The game started and the Knights started losing the game, James reached to MC and told her he was worried that it would be really hard to make Chris' Team look good on the newspaper article if they lose their first game of the season. MC started to worry about it, she has already worked so hard on it to make Chris look as a great if not the best football captain in the Football College League.

The game went on, and it was halftime, both teams had made an awesome effort trying to win, but the Knights made a comeback, and they were tied 21-21.

MC saw a man holding blue and pink cotton candies and asked Becca "Hey Becca, do you want me to get you some cotton candy?"

Becca scowled and asked her "Ugh MC, what are you, like 7?"

Zack listened to Becca and MC and he got into their conversation as he jumped excitedly "That's so cool, I want one MC, can you get me a blue one?"

MC smiled and pointed at Zack and said "See? You need to appreciate little things in life"

Becca covered MC's ear with both hands, leaned into MC's ear, and whispered: "When I win this bet, I'm going to appreciate you even more".

MC felt shivering as Becca pronounced those words, and started to get really nervous that Zack could see her blushing over Becca's words and started walking towards the cotton candy man.

When MC arrived Becca was talking to Zack, she gave him his cotton candy, and looked at Becca and said:

"Hey, I know you didn't ask for anything, but I thought you might be thirsty, so I brought you this." as she gave Becca a bottle of water.

"Hey MC, I want in, Becca told me everything about your bet" Zack said while rubbing his hands in sign of an early victory.

MC opened her eyes and looked directly at Becca, as if to say "What are you doing?" and asked Zack "What did she tell you about the bet?" and Becca while smirking lifting an eyebrow with a hand on her hip answered "just everything." and shrugged, she opened the bottle of water and took a few sips looking at the field.

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