"do you miss him?"

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"It was in the form of a deadly shipwreck that fate decided to make my parents meet. My father...was from the West. He was an explorer...even rumoured to be a pirate!"

The crowd standing in front of Nari gasped in amazement as the blazing sun beamed down on the town square. She grinned at their avid reactions before continuing her story.

"My mother had been travelling with her grandfather for weeks, helping him promote the family business. They finally arrived at the place everyone longs to see...the ocean!"

More gasps erupted from the huddle of people.

"It was there she came across the man she would soon learn to love; my father. There he lay: bruised and exhausted on the sand, waves softly swirling around his sunburnt skin. As soon as mother saw him, she knew he wasn't from here. His hair was blonde...like mine."

Nari flicked her lightly-coloured fringe away from her mystical blue eyes.

"My mother took him under her care. She nursed him back to health, and even though he couldn't understand the language she spoke to him in, his heart started to beat for her. Eventually, he recovered fully, continuing to live with Mother and her family. They tried their best to teach him our way of life, and with tiring efforts, he found his place in the community. Not long after that, they all moved back here to Silla and my father took Mother's hand in marriage. They loved each other with an undying passion! Within a year, I was born. Father gave me the name Nari, which means lily, after the blossoming nature of his hometown. For five years, we were a happy family. We sang and ate together. Our family was entwined with love and joy. But..."

The crowd's many eyes widened in anticipation.

"The palace was in unrest. Rumours started floating around the area that a spy was present in the capital. Immediately, the suspicions were held against my father. Palace soldiers were sent out looking for him. My mother was quick to act. She pleaded with him to flee the country. My father, in return, begged to take her and myself with him. However, Mother decided it would be too dangerous for her child...and that because of fate, they would meet again. So Father left...but not before giving me this."

Nari reached around her neck and revealed a gold necklace. The image of a lily was engraved into its shiny surface. She smiled as people pushed around to look at it.

"Can I hold it?" a woman asked from the middle of the crowd.

Other cries to touch the object echoed from the group. Nari wrapped her fingers around the necklace and placed it back around her neck.

"It's too precious," she said. "Anyway, my show is over. It's Ah-Ro's turn to share."

Nari turned to her friend with a smile.

"Have fun!"

Ah-Ro nodded with a grin and began her story.

"Once...there was a man and a woman -"

Nari turned to walk away and was met with the loving gaze of her mother. She smiled and skipped towards her.

"Do you miss him?" Mother asked softly.

Nari's eyes turned glassy and she fell into her mother's warm embrace.

"Yes," she whimpered. "With all my heart."

"You're father loved you so much. You were his world," Mother comforted, stroking the back of Nari's head.

"I know," Nari nodded tearfully and pulled away from the hug.

She wiped her eyes and let of a small smile.

"Where's Poong-yeon?" she asked intently.

Poong-yeon was Nari's adopted little brother. Her mother had found him abandoned on the street, and had taken him in just like Father.

"He's over there," Mother replied, pointing in the distance to a young boy playing with a local dog.

"Poong-yeon!" Nari called, and the boy looked up with a grin.

"Nari!" he exclaimed and threw down the stick he was holding, running over to meet her.

Nari giggled at his cute antics and hugged him as soon as he reached her.

"What have you been-" her words were cut off by the loud galloping of horse through the street.

Nari pulled Poong-yeon close to her as they watched palace guards sticking up signs around the buildings. After a few short minutes of bustling and confusion, the soldiers left. Crowds gathered around the signs to see what was written on them.

"Nari! Let's go see!" Poong-yeon urged, grabbing her by the hand. He pulled her across the street to where a sign hung on a post.

"Hwa-rang" Nari sounded out, as she inspected the poster. "Beautiful Poet Warriors..."

Poong-yeon jumped around excitedly.

"Nari! Can I be a Hwarang? I'm really good at making up stories and poems! I'd also be the perfect warrior, beating up bad guys and saving fair ladies! Please Nari?"

"Hmm," Nari hummed to herself and crouched down to look her little brother in the eyes. "It's true that you're good at making up stories...you always seem to find one excuse to get out of chores. And it's also true you're a good little fighter. However, you lack one thing."

"What?" Poong-yeon asked with darting eyes.

Nari smirked and poked him on the nose.


"Hey!" Poong-yeon yelled and ran at her.

Nari giggled, before picking up her skirt and fleeing from the noisy tyrant chasing her.

"Catch me if you can!" she called, and fastened her pace, disappearing into the crowded street.

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