"waiting for you"

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"There's a place inside the forest. A safe place where no one can find you," Ji-Dwi answered Nari, grabbing onto her hand. "Please stay there with your brother until I sort things out here in Silla. I won't rest if you remain here whilst my Mother tries to kill you."

"You want me to leave?" Nari asked, pulling her hand away. "Am I being forced to run away, just like my Father?"

"If you stay here, you'll be hunted like a wild animal! Take your brother and go," Ji-Dwi insisted earnestly, before handing her a bag. "Take this. It's filled with enough supplies for your journey."

Nari immediately pressed the bag against Ji-Dwi's chest. "I cannot accept," she responded firmly.

Ji-Dwi shook his head, placing the bag back in her hands. "For Poong-yeon," he protested, causing Nari to hesitantly give in.

"If I do go...how will I know it's safe to come back out?"

"I'll send word," Ji-Dwi replied with sincerity. "But only when all threats have been eliminated."

"And when will that be?" Nari questioned. "When your Mother is dead? Shall I just go die in the forest?"

Ji-Dwi paused, his countenance weakening. "I do not think my mother has long to live."

Nari lowered her eyes awkwardly. "Oh...," she breathed. "Despite all that has happened, I am sorry to hear that."

"No matter her condition, she still has no right to treat you as she has-"

"And why has she?" Nari cut in, meeting Ji-Dwi's eyes. "I mean, why does she have such a grudge against me? What have I ever done to her?"

Ji-Dwi sighed, his forehead wrinkled in thought. "She thinks you're an obstacle," he finally said. "Someone who will distract me from my duty."

"And...am I?" Nari asked quietly. "Was I really such a hassle to you in Hwarang?"

Ji-Dwi stepped forward, raising his hand and carefully brushing the hair from Nari's eyes. "You were the best thing that happened to me in Hwarang."

Nari stared into his deep brown eyes, transfixed in the affection they showed her. She felt as Ji-Dwi's face came closer to hers, and it took all her strength to pull away. Ji-Dwi lowered his head as she did, although he'd expected nothing less.

"You should hurry," he said quietly. "You should be out of the city by morning."

"You're not taking us?" Nari asked, unable to hide her disappointment.

"No...," Ji-Dwi answered. "I've arranged for someone else to do that. I think you'll like him very much."

"And the others?" Nari inquired. "Hansung, Yeo-Wool? I cannot say goodbye?"

Ji-Dwi shook his head. "There's not enough time," he answered. "Hwarang is riddled with guards with orders to arrest you on sight."

Nari nodded sadly, before looking back up at Ji-Dwi. "I...I know we're not exactly on...on getting along terms," she stammered. "But I- I am thankful to you for doing this."

Ji-Dwi stared at her longingly, before nodding his head. "It really is the least I can do."

Nari stifled a small smile, before turning around to exit.

"Wait," Ji-Dwi called suddenly, causing Nari's head to turn back. "There's something you should know before you go back down there."

The girl crossed her eyebrows, waiting for an explanation. Ji-Dwi hesitated, before speaking again. "He-he was waiting for you that day...the day you were arrested. Now he's waiting for you again."

Nari shook her head with confusion. "What are you talking about...," she questioned before her words slowly trailed off. Her heart began pumping fast as she realized what Ji-Dwi was saying. "You mean my...my...?"

Ji-Dwi nodded slowly. Nari gasped in reply, clasping her hand over her mouth. In an instant, she jumped to the door, sprinting down the staircase.

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