"I knew it"

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"Just go."


Nari wouldn't budge, despite Ah-Ro's efforts. The two were locked up in the physician's room, arguing about what to do next. After Nari's frightful experience with Ji-Dwi in town, she'd smuggled herself into Hwarang, running straight to Ah-Ro's residence. From there, Ah-Ro had fixed up Nari's uniform and listened to her predicament.

"How would it hurt for one more person to find out?" Ah-Ro had pointed out, but Nari shunned her point.

"Ji-Dwi is...he's different to the rest!" she argued, her face turning pink. "He's the one person I didn't want to find out."

"If you like him, isn't it better if he knows?" Ah-Ro asked, causing Nari to stammer.

"I-I never said I liked him!" she contended, crossing her arms.

Now Ah-Ro was urging her to go in for lunch.

"Act like it never happened. Make him think he was mistaken," Ah-Ro suggested.

"He won't fall for that again," Nari murmured, remembering back to the last time Ji-Dwi had confronted her regarding gender.

Ah-Ro placed her hands on the table which sat in the middle of the room, coming eye to eye with Nari.

"Don't you think it'll be even more suspicious if you don't show up?"

Nari sighed, plastering her hands on her face. Every choice seemed to lead down a road of uncertainty.

"Come on, Nari. Don't be scared. You're tough-skinned, remember?" Ah-Ro reminded her friend, pulling her up from her seat and pushing her towards the door. "This could be the start of something beautiful!"

"You're supposed to be protecting me!" Nari protested, trying to scramble away.

Ah-Ro sighed with a smile, successfully pushing the girl outside.

"You'll thank me later."

With that, she closed the door, leaving Nari stranded in the open. Her eyes darted around, making sure no one as in sight – especially Ji-Dwi.

"What do I do now?" she yelped, pouting with unsureness. She walked over to a nearby pond, inspecting her appearance in the reflection. It was clear her delicate physical qualities were almost impossible to cover up. With a large sigh, Nari turned on her heels, heading towards the dining area. "Just act normally...as if nothing ever happened." Her heart was racing twice its normal pace when she entered into the hall. Laughing and chattering Hwarangs ate away their lunches as they sat together at tables. In the distance, Nari spotted her seat. All her roommates were already there. She took a deep breath in, exhaling slowly as she approached. On the way she grabbed a tray of food, grasping it shakily in her hands. Her stomach twisted at the sight of Ji-Dwi, and by instinct, she swung back around to escape outside.

"Mouse! You're back!" a voice yelled, causing the dining room to go silent. Nari looked around. Everyone was staring at her. "I've missed you so much!"

Nari gulped, turning back around to face Han-sung. She gave him a wry smile.

"I've missed you too...," she answered back awkwardly, looking at the table to see Ji-Dwi staring at her.

Her face flushed red, and she looked back to Han-sung. The chatter in the hall began to louden again.

"Come sit!" Han-sung exclaimed, dragging her to the table. He pushed her excitedly into the seat beside him, exactly opposite to where Ji-Dwi was. Nari hosted an anguished expression, playing with her food uncomfortably. She could feel Ji-Dwi's eyes burning holes into her skull.

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