"blinded by love"

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Nari glared into the darkness, slowly stepping towards it. She gripped her sword with both hands, ready to strike at any time. As the shadows engulfed her, she began to realise just how vast this hiding place was.

"Where are you?" Nari called out, carefully inching forward. She squinted in hopes of gaining clearer vision. All she saw was an empty room. "Come out from where you're hiding!" A small scuttle sounded near her, and Nari pointed her sword in its direction. A large rat screeched at the end of her blade, causing the girl to narrow her eyes angrily and withdraw with disappointment.

She continued to inch through the darkness, hunting for her opponent. Suddenly, she sensed something behind her – the warmness of breath...the presence of another. Without hesitation, she swung her body around, lunging her weapon forward. Her sword met Ji-Dwi's instantly. Their clash lasted only a few seconds before he disappeared back into the darkness.

Once again, Nari hunted him down, facing off for a few seconds more before he vanished again. Repeatedly, this pattern occurred until Nari cried out with protest. "Do you think this is a game?!" she shouted with exhaustion. "Just come and fight me!"

No answer emerged from the shadows, and this came as little surprise. Nari took the opportunity to catch her breath and regain her composure. As she stood there motionless, a familiar sound quietly met her ears. It was faint but clear as day – someone's gentle breathing. Nari focused her attention to the sound, trying to determine where it was coming from. She soon pinned it to be occurring from behind a pillar on her right.

Quietly, she crept up to it, ready to ambush her rival. But just as she was about to jump at him viciously, she felt herself being suddenly pushed in the opposite direction. She tried to fight the force, but it wouldn't let her go. Soon, Nari was driven into a wall. Ji-Dwi had her pinned.

Nari wouldn't so easily give into defeat. Although she had been caught by surprise, she still had her sword firmly grasped. She lifted it to strike, but Ji-Dwi was quick to respond. "Stop this!" he demanded, forcing her hand against the wall also. Nari's fingers let loose and her sword tumbled to the ground.

"This isn't you, Nari," Ji-Dwi said sternly, trying to talk sense into his attacker. "You've let your anger cloud your judgement." Nari growled in retaliation, struggling to escape his firm grip. So much so, Ji-Dwi was struggling to maintain it. "Nari, stop!" he pleaded, his voice now softer. "You're the only one here with ill-intentions." Nari became still, looking Ji-Dwi dead in the eyes. "And don't I have the right to be here with such things?!" she questioned.

Ji-Dwi sighed, looking back into her eyes broodingly. "This was never meant to happen," he said sadly, his voice cracking with grief. Nari crossed her eyebrows, but continued to maintain her fierce expression. "What was never meant to happen?" The man lowered his eyes. "I didn't know you were in jail."

Nari stood speechless for a moment, before scoffing loudly. "You didn't know I was in jail, Ji-Dwi?!" she mocked. "You watched as the guards escorted me there!" Ji-Dwi shook his head fervently. "No, Yoon-sung and I had a plan. He was supposed to rescue you from the soldiers and take you to a place where you'd be safe. We knew the Queen was coming to arrest you."

Nari narrowed her eyes. "And you didn't think about checking if I'd made it out?" she retorted. Ji-Dwi sighed again, clearly regretful. "Yoon-sung and I arranged to meet somewhere after the task had been completed. But when I got there, the place was swarming with palace guards looking for you. Word went around that you'd escaped into the countryside. I assumed you both couldn't meet me because it was unsafe in Silla. I also assumed you were out of danger, so I let it be. I did try looking for you, but it seemed you'd found yourself a good hideaway." Ji-Dwi's voice lowered. "I think the Queen wanted us all to believe you were safe to avoid riots."

Nari scoffed again, before shaking her head. "And you expect me to believe all this?" she questioned. "I suffered in that jail for three months because of your failure to prove me innocent!"

"I know!" Ji-Dwi answered painfully. "And I'm sorry! But keeping silent was the only way I could think of to keep you safe. The Queen clearly has a grudge on you, so she'd stop at nothing to have you detained. But once she'd achieved that, she'd let her guard down. Then we could secretly rescue you without her even knowing. But obviously, things didn't turn out that way."

"Obviously not," Nari mumbled with a huff.

"But you're here now," Ji-Dwi continued. "And I'm so thankful for that. There wasn't a day I didn't think about you. Just realising you'd thought I'd betrayed you sent daggers into my heart every night. I lived on the hope Yoon-sung had told you of my loyalty. Nari, if I had known you were really in prison, I would've burst open those iron gates myself!"

Nari wallowed in his words for a moment, her body gradually relaxing. "Ji-Dwi," she suddenly said, tears brimming her eyes. "I was about to meet my father that day." Suddenly, she began to sob, and Ji-Dwi wrapped his arms around her tightly. "I'm so sorry!" he cried, tears also trickling down his cheeks. "If only I'd known what would happen."

The pair stood there embracing for a few moments, Nari crying into Ji-Dwi's shoulder. All the pain she'd been hoarding within her was now flowing out of her body. It felt relieving to the girl. After a minute or two, Nari finally composed herself, pulling away from the hug.

"Ji-Dwi," she said softly. "You have to understand that this is a lot to take in. I'm thankful to hear that your intentions weren't to hurt me but...I need some time before things can go back to being how they were."

Ji-Dwi nodded. "Of course," he replied, placing his hand around her upper arm gently. "That can only be expected. I'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes."

Nari smiled, rubbing her wet eyes. "I'm sorry for being so rash," she laughed quietly, her eyes on the floor. "I should've let you speak." Ji-Dwi placed another hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to apologise," he replied with a comforting smile. "I'm the one who should be sorry for all the things my mother's put you through."

And there it was. The accidental slip-up.

Nari's heart stopped, as her eyes widened. "You're-" she began, before looking up to face him. He looked back with confusion, before suddenly realising his mistake. "No...Nari wait-". But before he could utter another word, the girl had wrenched up his sleeve revealing his shiny red and gold bracelet.

"You're the- You-re the-" she stuttered, looking at the accessory with overwhelming shock. She turned her eyes up to Ji-Dwi, her face suddenly turning sour. "You're the king!" she gasped with disbelief. "Nari, please listen-" Nari's mouth hung open and she stumbled backwards with horror. She then shook her hands at him, refusing to hear his words. "No...No! You listen to me!" Nari cut in furiously. "You've been lying to me this whole time?!"

"I wanted to tell you, Nari, but I knew you'd hate me for it!" Ji-Dwi answered pleadingly. "And you were right!" Nari shouted, suddenly coming to her sense. With an angry cry, shepulled a knife from her cloak and pointed it at Ji-Dwi's throat. Ji-Dwi held his hands up in surrender, shocked by her sudden move.. "Please, put the knife down Nari."

"Don't you dare me ask for your life!" Nari yelled. "My mother was killed at your command without the chance to even properly beg!"

So many memories rushed through Nari's mind, key events that should've pointed her to Ji-Dwi's identity. But she'd been blinded by love. "I can't believe it's you!" Nari choked, realising how close she'd been to the king all this time.

This time, it was Ji-Dwi who was pinned against the wall with nowhere to go. Nari's knife's felt real in her hand as she thought about what to do with it. She'd imagined this moment to feel sweet, but all she felt was bitterness.

"You've betrayed me a second time," Nari breathed angrily, preparing to complete her mission of vengeance. But suddenly, she heard speaking nearby. The orange glow of torches in the distance lit up the room.

"Who are they?!" Nari hissed, looking behind her. "Palace guards," Ji-Dwi answered hesitantly. Nari glared at him. "I told you to come alone, coward!" Realising in order to get away, she had to leave now, Nari forcefully pushed Ji-Dwi away from her and ran to an open window. "This won't be the last you hear from me," she growled, before disappearing into the night.

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