"bring no one"

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Father!" Nari yelled, running towards the dark sea of trees before her. After sneaking from the palace, she'd run straight to the forest. After all this time, she was now determined to finally meet him.

"Father!" she called again, finally reaching the outskirts of the woods. She clung onto the nearest tree, eyes searching the darkness for any sign of life. The quiet hum of crickets met her ears, but nothing more. All was still in the forest.

Nari pushed herself forward, further into the wood. "Are you there?" she shouted. She was certain her echo would be heard throughout the silence. He would hear her, wouldn't he?

"Father, show yourself!" Nari yelled, worry-filled tears now beginning to string down her cheeks. "The message said you'd be here! Where are you?!"

The girl began to run further, hoping she was headed toward her loved one. "Please!" she cried desperately. She stumbled in the dimness of the night, over every unseen shrub and branch. But she kept going forward, no matter how scratched she became. "Father, I'm here! I'm finally here!"

Nari desperately scanned her surroundings. She couldn't see much, but she looked anyway. Surely, she'd see a glimpse of movement...a figure...anything. But there was nothing. Doubt began to cloud her mind. Would she ever find him?

"I cannot give up now," she told herself, suddenly lifting her chin. Nari marched forward, calling as loud as she could. For what felt like forever, she ran and ran, crying for her Father. But no response came.

"Father!" she shouted. "Fath-" Suddenly, Nari was tripped over by another shrub in the ground. She fell flat on her face, her chin seeping into the dirt. But this time, instead of getting up, she began to sob loudly. "Where are you?!" she screamed, suddenly overcome with the thought he'd given up on her...or that the message wasn't actually from him. She pushed herself into a sitting position, trying to rub away her tears.

"Father," she spoke shakily. "I-I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." She sniffed loudly, dusting the dirt from her clothes. "I-I know you-you've probably given up on me...maybe you're not even here anymore...maybe you're..." Nari took in a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "Wherever you are, I miss you...I miss you so so very much!" The girl's face crinkled into an upset expression as her sobs returned. "I wanted to come see you but I couldn't! I tried but I was betrayed by someone that I loved."

Nari rubbed her eyes again, focusing on stopping her crying. She breathed in and out slowly, finally stilling herself. She listened to the night sounds, hoping that from them, a response would emerge. But there was nothing.

She nodded, truly expecting nothing more. "Perhaps he would've been here if I'd come earlier," Nari thought to herself, suddenly becoming very angry. "If Ji-Dwi hadn't of betrayed me, I might've had chance."

Suddenly, Nari was on her feet, fists clenched and fuming. "He'll pay for this!" she shouted, marching back towards town. Once she got there, she noticed how unusually crowded it was. Hundreds flocked the streets and she soon realised why. Some sort of festival or celebration was occurring that she hadn't been anticipating. After all, she'd lost track of time in prison. The town had been up all night partying and having fun. Some famous performers had a stage that night, and everyone had turned up to see them.

Nari weaved her way through the people, on a mission towards Hwarang. But her plans were soon interrupted. "Find her!" Nari heard a shout. She peeked her head over the crowds, spotting a formation of guards splitting off into the throng. "Oh no," she breathed, realising she was probably the most wanted person in Silla. Quickly, she ducked into a nearby alleyway, watching cautiously as several soldiers marched past.

It took a few minutes for Nari to conclude the coast was clear, but once she had, she slinked straight back into the multitude of people. She passed by the stage of performers and was suddenly struck with an idea. The entertainers were acting out a comedic hunting scene, armed with bows and arrows. Spare props were sitting backstage. Keeping on the low-key, Nari snuck up to them, smuggling a bow and arrow into her coat. She then took off straight for Hwarang, avoiding hordes of guards along the way.

Once she got there, she scaled the wall, settling on the roof. Without a moment's hesitation, she pulled a crumpled piece of paper from her clothing, scribbling a quick message on its surface. She then wrapped the note around the tip of her arrow, loading it onto the bow. Next, she waited.

About half an hour passed until she found what she was looking for. The sky was beginning to turn orange from the sunrise. Nari locked her eyes on a certain door that was beginning to creep open. Ji-Dwi appeared from his room, headed towards the showers with a towel wrapped around his arm.

Nari quickly pulled the bow's string to her cheek, remembering the lessons Yoon-sung had given her. She'd known the skill would be useful to her one day. Nari positioned the tip of her arrow, pointing it straight at her old lover. She took several deep breaths, following him closely.

However, at the last second, she turned her aim a little to the left, letting go of the arrow. The weapon shot through the air, emitting a deadly whistle. It dug straight into a wooden post right in front of Ji-Dwi, barely skimming his nose. He jumped in surprise, whizzing around to see where it had come from. But Nari had already lurked away, preparing for what was soon to come.

Ji-Dwi, still stunned, tugged the arrow from the post. Noticing the piece of paper, he took it and read it, eyebrows furrowed.

Meet me tomorrow night, at the abandoned inn near Hwarang. Bring no one.

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