"are you crazy?"

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The night was bright as the full moon shined down on the empty streets of Silla. Most souls were sound asleep, acquiring rest for the bustling day approaching. But not all eyes were closed. Some still lingered opened, the darkness acting as their protection. Not even the gleaming moonlight could uncover the conspiracy and secrets still residing in the shadows of every corner.

Yoon-sung sat soundly on the roof of Hwarang, abiding in the sanctuary of a looming silhouette provided by a nearby tree. Knife in hand, he scraped it against a small sturdy rock, sharpening the edges of the blade into the lethal weapon it was intended to be. It was a habit of his – a time consumer to be more accurate. It was uneventful moments like these he knew nothing more than to just sit, sharpen steel, and think thoroughly to himself.


Yoon-sung picked up the sound of footsteps on the wooden balcony below. He quickly pocketed his knife, leaning over the edge to gain eyes on the culprit. Blonde hair...blue eyes...He watched carefully as Nari disappeared into the sanction of her bedroom. His eyes remained a little longer after her disappearance, in order to make sure no trouble followed. Satisfied the girl was safe, Yoon-sung relaxed, resting his head against a section of elevated roof nearby.

This had become Yoon-sung's nightly routine. Every day since the moment Jeong-seo had given him the orders, the guard watched faithfully over Nari's every move, ensuring her safety. His master had been so firm about looking after Nari's well-being, especially in the situation she currently found herself in. Yoon-sung made sure Nari stayed out of harm's way and was determined in preventing any unnecessary mishaps. He was extra alert these days, especially after witnessing the Queen's Command make several entries into the premises. Fortunately, Nari was not present during those few times, but Yoon-sung knew how important it was to keep her away from any royal attention. As for her personal life, he was quite well aware of it. Yoon-sung found it hard to miss the budding romance between Nari and her fellow Hwarang Ji-Dwi. He had his own opinions of the affair, ones he shared carelessly with the company of trees that usually surrounded him. So, whether or not he approved of the couple...only the trees could tell you.

Yoon-sung felt his eyes growing heavy. What was once evening was now morphing into the early hours of the next day. Quite content he had carried out his duty for the night, he jumped down from his look-out, beginning to travel along the empty roads of Silla. His destination was unknown. Usually he'd find a shady tree or a peaceful alleyway to rest in until the sun rose over the horizon. As soon as any light fell upon the Earth he'd be up and within meters of Nari's location once again.

As he treaded over the soil-ridden path, a further sound fell upon his ears. At first, Yoon-sung thought he was hearing things, and carried on with his journey. But further along the way, he finally concluded to himself that another set of footsteps were definitely accompanying his own. Slowly coming to a halt, the guard turned around, expecting to see another presence.


All that greeted him was the swaying of tree branches and a tiny mouse scurrying across the path.

"Hm," he hummed to himself suspiciously, hesitantly beginning to walk again. It wasn't long before the sound reappeared. Now fully convinced he was being followed, Yoon-sung rounded a corner swiftly, drawing his sword and pointing it in the direction his stalker was bound to come in. Surely enough, his blade pressed against the throat of a stranger.

"Who are you?" he growled but was quick to realise his dilemma. Yoon-sung felt something sharp resting on his own neck. Turning his head slightly, he noticed another man, much older, sword in hand.

"Drop your weapon!" the man ordered.

Yoon-sung let his sword drop to the ground in defeat. Moving nothing but his eyes, he squinted to see who had him at surrender. A seemingly middle-aged man, with thick black facial hair lining his chin and upper lip, stared back at him. Yoon-sung then turned his gaze back to the man he'd caught trailing behind him. He was clothed in a red and golden cloak. It wasn't long before he recognised the face.

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