~ make a wish ~

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It was as if time itself had stopped. Nari's heart skipped a beat as she heard her name being called from behind. Without hesitation, she flung around to meet her brother's exhilarated greeting.

"Poong-yeon!" she cried, clinging to the boy with utmost delight.

They hung tightly to each other, a piece of them afraid that by letting go, they'd lose one another once again. Nari had persevered through many days and nights of sadness and worry for this very moment. He was the only family she had left. To see him again was like food being granted to a starving soul – satisfying and well awaited.

"You must tell me about the time you've spent here," she whispered into Poong-yeon's ear lovingly. "You haven't been too lonely, have you?"

Poong-yeon shook his head briskly.

"I've had fun exploring the fields beyond the house!" he said happily, making his sister pull away from their embrace to look him in the eyes.

"I'm glad," she murmured softly, her greatest fears being quickly washed away. "Tell me more."

And for the next few hours, as the sun slowly began to sink into the earth, the siblings exchanged stories of hilarity and excitement as they basked in each other's long anticipated presence. Much to Nari's relief, Poong-yeon had made himself at home. Having adventured into every nook and cranny of his new residence, the boy too was glad to now be seeing his sister once again.

Nari and Poong-yeon had walked all around the property, talking and playing around. They now found themselves lying in the middle of the open meadow that bordered the Jeong-seo household. It felt as if they had journeyed into the past, back to when their lives had been just ordinary.

The sky was a shade of violet as the sun made its final descent into disappearance. Nari pointed to a glittering star, the first to appear.

"Look Poong-yeon," she laughed lightly, the atmosphere enveloping her in a dreamy haze. It wasn't every day she had the freedom to enjoy such small matters. "Make a wish."

The boy smiled, squeezing his eyes shut. A moment of silence passed before he opened them again.

"What did you wish for?" Nari asked, turning her head to face him.

Poong-yeon shrugged playfully, unwilling to open up. Nari smirked, tackling his small figure.

"I bet you wished to become a Hwarang!" she cried with amusement, causing her little brother to try struggle from her grip in an array of cheerful giggles.

"I didn't!" he squealed, freeing himself from his sister's teasing grasp.

The two laughed at each other, before eventually coming to a comfortable silence. Nari was the first to break it.

"Then what did you wish for?" she questioned curiously.

Poong-yeon's expression became heavy, as if hesitant to share his thoughts. Nari caught on quickly, and she pulled her brother into her side.

"Was it...was it for Mother to come back?" she asked, aware that the child still held sadness in his heart from the traumatic event they had both experienced.

Poong-yeon shook his head, a half-hearted smile forming on his lips. His eyes sparkled with hopefulness.

"I wished that we could be together again."

Nari looked down at her brother with a bittersweet gaze.

"We're together right now," she told him, gently stroking his hair. "This isn't a dream," she continued with a laugh.

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