"not over my dead body"

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"Seonu!" Nari called, running up to the silhouette.

Seeing Mouse approaching, Seonu hesitated in his steps.

"Mm?" he mumbled as she reached him, already annoyed by her presence.

"I need your help," she replied, a cheeky grin plastered over her face.

Seonu rolled his eyes and pushed passed her, continuing to walk up the road.

"Wait!" Nari cried, running after him.

Seonu quickened his pace, in high hopes Mouse would give up the pursuit. However, he felt an arm grab his own, pulling him backwards.

"Yah!" he yelled, shaking himself from Mouse's grip. "I don't have time to talk! I need to find my sister."

Turning back around, he began walking again.

"That's actually who I wanted to talk about," Nari sighed with a smirk.

Seonu stopped in his tracks, turning his body slowly to face the boy.

"Go on," he said with hardness.

Nari took a deep breath in.

"I'd like to ask for your sister's hand in marriage," she stated, her face locked in a serious expression.

Seonu's eyes widened and his lower jaw dropped as if attached to a boulder.

"What...?" he stuttered, filled with shock. "Ma—did you say marriage?"

Nari stared him in the eyes, pretending to be earnestly waiting for an answer. However, the look on Seonu's face made it nearly impossible for her to keep a straight expression. It wasn't long before she burst out in laughter, pointing at his appalled look.

"I was just joking!" she chortled, astonished at the fact he had believed her.

Seonu's mouth morphed into a frown as he gave the audacious Hwarang an icy stare. Nari's laughing faded as she noticed his bitter scowl. Biting her lip, she looked to the ground.

"On a serious note," she muttered. "I do have feelings for your sister...and would like to know if I have your permission to court her."

Seonu scoffed at Mouse.

"Not over my dead body," he answered, his tone gruff and hollow.

Nari gave off a weedy smile.

"Think of it as returning a favour," she suggested, letting off a shrug.

Seonu's eyes went round.

"What have you ever done for me?" he scorned, raising an eyebrow.

Nari thought for a moment, before smirking at the man.

"Remember the morning after we came to Hwarang House...Ban-Ryu was beating you up?" Nari recalled with a grin. "I stood up for you."

"I never asked you to so it doesn't count," Seonu replied with a roll of his eyes. "I have to go."

Turning around for about the third time, Seonu began to walk again.

"What if Ah-Ro has feelings for me as well?" Nari called after him, watching him stop to process her words.

"She doesn't," he responded, without even looking back.

Nari smiled evilly.

"Is that because she has feelings for you?" she asked slyly.

Seonu spun around quicker than a flash of lightning. His face shone bright red as he speedily marched towards Mouse.

"Seonu! Mouse!" a voiced interrupted, halting his pursuance.

Ah-Ro appeared beside them, holding a basket of incense. She furrowed her eyebrows as she examined Seonu's crimson cheeks.

"Are you alright?" she asked him, tapping her cheeks.

Seonu hesitantly nodded in reply, avoiding eye contact. Ah-Ro turned her gaze to Nari, who was trying desperately not to fall over laughing.

"Did I miss something...?" she inquired cynically, eyeing the two's very different expressions.

She was given silence as a reply, so she quickly changed the subject.

"Seonu, I just bought the incense for mother's anniversary," Ah-Ro began, smiling at him solemnly. "We should probably head home. Goodbye Mouse."

Ah-Ro brushed past Nari as she headed to Seonu.

"I have something prepared for you at Octa," she whispered cautiously, before giving Seonu the basket she was carrying.

Nari grinned with anticipation.

"It was lovely to see you tonight Ah-Ro," Nari pronounced with nobility, before giving her forehead a quick peck and running off towards Octa.

"Yah!" Seonu shouted, attempting to run after her, but Ah-Ro was quick to hold him back.

Nari continued running up the road until she reached the busy crowds surrounding Octa. Pushing through the hordes of people excitedly, she set out to find the rest of the Hwarangs. Catching a glimpse of the purple and blue uniform, she made her place beside Yeo-Wool, Ban-Ryu and Suho.

"A little excited, are you?" Yeo-Wool asked with a smirk, looking at the young boy.

Nari kept her eyes locked in front of her in joy as she observed the busy happenings of the building.

"Of course I am!" she cried with delight. "Look at all the women! I'm certain I'll find a lover tonight."

Ban-Ryu and Suho rolled their eyes, knowing full well Mouse had nothing a woman wanted in a man besides smooth skin and a Hwarang uniform.

"Are you sure it's the ladies you'll get?" Yeo-Wool smirked sceptically.

Suddenly, a group of around five to six women hustled over to the Hwarangs, surrounding Nari.

"You must be the handsome Mouse everyone's been talking about!" one cried, clasping onto Nari's arm.

The others sighed dreamily, fighting to feel her soft face. The three Hwarangs nearly fainted at the sight, gawking in dismay.

"I'm positive," Nari sneered in reply to Yeo-Wool, before flashing him a proud smile and leading the group of women into an empty room.

"Thank you Ah-Ro" she silently prayed.

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