"you're pretty"

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"You're a g-"

Before Hansung could finish exclaiming his surprising discovery, Yeo-Wool and Nari both barged into him, trying their best to cover his mouth, but instead, ending up in a tangled pile on the ground. Nari took the chance to press her hand against Hansung's lips, muffling his protests.

"What are we going to do now?" Nari questioned nervously, turning her head to Yeo-Wool.

The Hwarang thought for a moment, before sharing his idea.

"Who else did you say knows about this?"

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The room was immersed with silence as Ah-Ro and Nari sat beside each other, Yeo-Wool and Hansung seated on the bed directly opposite them. Their hands were firmly clasped together, their eyes squinted with deep thought. After a minute or two of thinking, Ah-Ro finally spoke up, gaining the eyes of the other three in the room.

"We have to do something about this," she declared, her forehead crinkled with thought. "Too many people are finding out."

Yeo-Wool and Hansung both shuffled uncomfortably, feeling rather targeted by the woman's words. Ah-Ro turned her eyes up to look at them, almost glaring at their presence.

"This has to be dealt with."

Yeo-Wool raised his eyebrows at the intimidating figure, Hansung slowly beginning to cling to his arm in fear.

"You sound like you're planning to kill us," Yeo-Wool murmured.

"That an idea!" Ah-Ro exclaimed, causing Nari to giggle behind her hand.

Yeo-Wool smirked and began to fan himself elegantly, not wanting to be outmatched by two girls.

"But let's be serious," Ah-Ro continued, her smile disappearing. "Too many people are finding out. This could cost Nari's life."

Nari let out a small breath, the sentence hitting her hard. She didn't want her life in Hwarang to be her last.

"So what do you suggest we do?" Yeo-Wool asked, straightening his posture.

"I think we should..." Ah-Ro's words faded quickly as she heard the door open, revealing Seonu. He stared at the group awkwardly, noticing their sudden silence due to his entry. Awkwardly taking one step after the other, he headed to his bed, grabbing a towel from under his pillow. He then turned his head towards Ah-Ro, curious as to why she was present. Noticing his line of attention, Nari snuggled closer into Ah-Ro, flashing Seonu a cheeky wink accompanied by a proud smirk. He stared back at her in disbelief, his cheeks turning red with anger. He began to step forward aggressively, but Ah-Ro held out her hand pleadingly, sending him a silent message to let it go. Yeo-Wool had to hold his fan before his face to cover his amused grin. Seonu hesitated, glaring at Nari, before briskly walking out of the room. As soon as it closed behind him, Ah-Ro turned to Nari.

"You really need to stop doing that."

Nari tried hard to hide her smile.

"Sorry," she snorted, Seonu's hilariously tense face still playing in her mind. "Let's continue. Any ideas?"

Nari looked up at Hansung, who was looking right back at her. She urged him with her eyes to say what was on his mind.

"You're pretty," Hansung said dreamily, causing Yeo-Wool to casually elbow him in the side.

A smile lined Nari's lips as she processed the kind words.

"Thank you," she beamed, but Hansung was too busy sulking as he clung to his now throbbing ribs.

For the rest of the morning, the four went over how they would protect Nari's secret. Yeo-Wool agreed to help her when it came to showers and getting changed, by guarding doors and pretending to go with her, making any suspicions of her usually isolated grooming sure to disappear. As for Hansung, they made him promise to keep the whole thing on the low, pretending as if he had never found out in the first place. To this, Hansung agreed with a suspiciously happy smile. Ah-Ro would do her best to look out for Nari in general, and would help her to continue her boyish act.

When the meeting finally ceased, both Nari and Yeo-Wool walked Ah-Ro back to the physician's room, where they bid her farewell and began walking back. As they drew near to the balcony that looked out across the small pond situated in the centre of Hwarang House, Nari was entranced by the beauty of the water. Running over to the edge, she leant over the side, happily observing the different varieties of fish that darted back and forth below the glistening ripples of the shiny pool. Behind her, Yeo-Wool stood and watched her with a smile, regarding one by one the traits in her he'd never noticed when he'd thought Mouse was a boy. As he eyed her joy-filled antics, he began to wonder why a girl like her would ever desire to join Hwarang. Slowly building up the courage to ask, he hesitantly shuffled up to her side, taking a deep breath.

"Mouse," he began.

Nari looked up at him with an angelic smile, waiting for him to continue. He looked longingly at her sun-filled expression, his curiosity only increasing.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked, suddenly overly concerned about the reason she was here.

He watched as the light in Nari's eyes disappeared along with her smile, and her head turned back towards the racing fish. She continued to look at the water for what seemed like forever to Yeo-Wool, her thoughts all mixed up inside of her head.

"My mother was a beautiful woman," Nari finally began, her eyes still locked below her.

Yeo-Wool took in her words, listening intently as if he knew that was all Nari needed.

"She sacrificed so much for her children, even though one had no blood relation to her whatsoever. She'd cook and clean until the stars came out; and even then, she'd still maintain a kind heart and a genuine smile. Even when we'd cause her trouble, she'd never raise a hand against us. She was the most loving person to have ever lived. However..."

Nari took in a deep breath, fighting off threatening tears.

"One night, as she was coming home from the markets...she saw something that she never should've seen."

A tear managed to escape Nari's eye, trickling down her cheek. Yeo-Wool looked at her sadly, his heart breaking at the sight of her agony. He tried to piece together her words, his breath halting as he realised what could have possibly happened.

"She saw the king...didn't she?"

Nari looked at him pitifully, playing his words over and over in her head. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Her emotions overwhelmed her, causing her to begin sobbing into her hands

"The king killed her...he killed her," she cried, holding back her tears no longer. "I had to watch her die!"

Yeo-Wool scrunched is face up in distress, trying to comprehend Mouse's pain. He began to reach his hand out to comfort her, but hesitantly decided against it. 

"But that's why I'm here," Nari continued with exasperation, wiping her damp cheeks with the back of her wrist. "I want to make him pay for what he did, and Hwarang House is the closest I'll get to doing so. My mother can't rest in peace until her soul is avenged for."

Yeo-Wool knew immediately that the path Nari was taking would lead her to her own death, but he wasn't sure how to reason with her without losing her trust. He needed to be strategic. Right then and there, in front of the sparkling fish-filled pond, he vowed to himself he'd do everything in his power to help Nari start afresh, without costing the lives of anyone.

He looked at the distressed girl again, trying to think of a way to cheer her up. Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind, causing him to let off a light smile. Grabbing her wrist, he began pulling her from the balcony, leading her to his desired destination.

"Where are we going?" Nari sniffled, letting him drag her along.

"I think it's time you find your true self again," he declared with a grin. "And I know just the way."

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