"when do we start"

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Usually, a break in a mission results in the lack of motivation to continue the set task. One would think this statistic wore off on Nari as she resided in the Jeong-seo household – miles away from Silla's murderous streets. She was surrounded by those who loved her, those who wanted her to cease her plot of revenge out of care and those who despised her for it. However, as the sun set every evening, Nari could only view it as another day gone by where the reckless King of the land laid waste to the innocent. And although she absolutely basked in the presence of her little brother Poong-yeon, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable being happy whilst her mother's death lay unavenged. Although everyone who'd known her mother had let the past subside, the woman's one and only daughter was left consumed in the tragedy of her passing, determined to make things right. Nari couldn't sit still knowing the kingdom was being led by a horrible ruler. She couldn't be happy whilst understanding that the royal palace was willing to slaughter the innocent. The girl was right: things weren't fair, and the ruler of the land was causing tragedy among many families...But she was hunting in the wrong direction.

"Nari, look!" Poong-yeon yelled, pointing into the air.

A giant orange butterfly fluttered through the sky in the direction his finger was aiming at. Nari smiled with a gasp as she watched the creature dancing in the breeze, pulling Poong-yeon into her side warmly. The pair had gone for a morning walk in the meadow, a routine they had abided by for the past three days.

"I wish I could fly," Poong-yeon muttered dreamily, the little boy constantly overcome by daydreams.

"A Hwarang that flies?" Nari laughed, pinching his cheek teasingly. "I'd like to see that."

Poong-yeon giggled, pushing away her hand in a feat to free himself from the stinging.

"You know what I mean!" he retorted, before dashing after the insect that had entranced him seconds earlier.

Nari smiled fondly as she watched her little brother playing in the distance. She'd missed this so dearly. For once, she could be a big sister again. It was much better than speaking two tones lower than usual and spitting every five seconds to "assert her dominance". Nari bent down, picking a wildflower from the dirt. Taking in its familiar scent, she sighed. Could things really go back to how they were?

A dot of appeared in the corner of Nari's eye, causing the girl to curiously turn her head and look. It was Yoon-sung. She wasn't surprised. He was standing a few meters away, carefully watching the pair. He had done so every time they went out, ever since she'd told Jeong-seo she was part of Hwarang. Usually, she'd ignore him, especially after the nasty encounter they'd shared on her first arrival. This time, however, she tried to act a little friendlier.

"Yah! You with the weird-looking hairdo!" she called, gaining his attention. "You can come closer if you want."

Definitely friendlier.

Yoon-sung scoffed at her witless insult, fixing his hair in an act of self-consciousness. It was done up in a high ponytail, a style more commonly seen in China than where they lived. A little hesitant, he made his way to Nari's side.

"If you were as active as I, you would find no fault in the way I have tied it up," he defended himself quietly.

Nari smirked to herself, finding his offended attitude amusing and ironic. She was definitely just as active as him.

"So, tell me," she spoke up, drawing Yoon-sung's attention away from his locks. "Why do you follow us out here every morning? Do you not have a gate to guard?"

The solider snickered.

"You don't seem very happy with my company," he murmured with a smile. "I dare say, I wouldn't be out here if it weren't for my master. I have orders to keep a close eye on you. I've been told you are quite the risk-taker." Yoon-sung shot a cheeky glance at Nari, who was listening to him intently with an eyebrow raised. "I can't argue with that," he continued. "You are, in fact, a member of Hwarang."

Nari nodded understandingly, pursing her lips together as if in deep thought.

"At least I'm not a coward," she began, trying to justify her actions. "And I'm not unreasonable either. I have important motives behind my decisions."

"Yes, I am well aware of your fearlessness," Yoon-sung chuckled in reply. "You established that idea in my head the first day we met."

Nari laughed quietly, their prior fight becoming a distant and comical memory. The pair shared a moment of silence, before Yoon-sung spoke up, a stimulating proposal in mind.

"We didn't really start out on the right foot," he confessed wryly, causing Nari to eye him suspiciously.

"You don't say," she retorted sarcastically, turning her gaze away to Poong-yeon's distant figure.

Yoon-sung raised his chin, determined to get across his point.

"That encounter was partially my fault, although I was just following orders," he continued. "You must expect me to do so as a soldier. I would have thought you'd understand, being a Hwarang."

Nari looked back at the guard, noting a hint of contempt in his tone.

"And your point is?" she asked bluntly, beginning to lose her nerve with the man once again.

"My point is...let me make it up to you," Yoon-sung stated, his pride hurting just the slightest.

Nari hesitated, before giving him a sly grin.

"What are you suggesting?" she questioned, trying to act clueless.

Yoon-sung sighed, his ego sinking lower and lower with every word he spoke.

"I'll do you a favour, any favour your want," he mumbled lowly, his intention of a kind deed becoming more of a trample upon his dignity. "Within reason, of course."

"Hmm," Nari hummed, her face morphing into an evil grin. Regret panged in Yoon-sung's chest as the girl looked him up and down, trying to decide what favour to request. He raised his eyebrows as she opened her mouth to speak, ready to hear her wish. He then rolled his eyes when she closed it again and continued to hum, obviously not satisfied with her decision.

"You can decide later if you'd like," he suggested, beginning to grow restless.

"No, I think I have it," Nari suddenly said, her eyes locked on an object strapped into Yoon-sung's belt.

Yoon-sung's forehead crinkled with concern as he awaited her proposition.

"Enlighten me."

Hands on hips, the girl smirked at him smugly.

"You may not know this, but I am a talented swordsman. I know my way around a blade," she bragged, causing more eye rolls from the guard. "However!" she piped up. "There is one skill I have not yet acquired, and I believe you can help me with that."

Yoon-sung raised an eyebrow.


Nari walked up to him, her stare secured on his.

"Teach me to shoot," she instructed, making Yoon-sung scoff. He stepped back, taking in her small figure.

"You don't need to learn," he answered speedily. "I've sworn an oath to protect you, and I will do just that. You already have a skilled archer by your side."

He pointed to himself proudly, a cheeky grin on his face. Nari sneered at him, turning to walk away.

"I guess there's no way to make it up to me then," she sighed, acting disappointed. "Very well."

Yoon-sung groaned, chasing after her.

"Wait!" he called, following from behind. "Why do you want to learn to shoot so badly? You'd hardly need it."

Nari kept on walking, ignoring his whines. Yoon-sung buried his head in his hands with annoyance, knowing he'd regret what he was about to say next.

"Fine, I'll teach you."

Nari halted in her tracks, flinging around to face him. Yoon-sung almost toppled over her, but he managed to keep his balance. A wide beaming smile spread across Nari's face as she looked up at him intently.

"When do we start?"

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