"i like women!"

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The first week in Hwarang flew by swiftly for Nari. From getting ready in the morning to showering in the evening, every day seemed to bring a new challenge for her to face. Keeping her identity a secret had become harder than Nari had anticipated. But nevertheless, with the help of Ah-Ro, she managed to reach every sunset undetected...or so she thought.

It was early morning and all the Hwarangs had been gathered together for a training session. They sat under a shelter as their instructor gathered a rack of swords.

"Today's training will be on the art of sword fighting," he began, holding one up.

Nari eyed the weapon carefully, its shiny glint causing her to long for combat. For months, she had practised with the sword, in high hopes her skills would give her an easy entrance into the Hwarang House. Now was her chance to show off.

"You will verse each other, until one man is left standing," the instructor continued. "Let's begin."

Nari observed in admiration as the first two men began contesting, dodging and striking forceful blows. Eventually, one Hwarang lost and was speedily replaced by another, continuing the fight until either one prevailed.

As the battling progressed, Nari began to become distracted as her eyes wandered to the masculine faces of each competitor. Their sharp jawlines and tanned skin began to make her cheeks flush, and she sat there with her chin resting on her hand, her eyes locked in a dreamy gaze. Toned muscles...broad shoulders...everything a girl could--

"Handsome, aren't they?"

Nari jumped in surprise, turning to her side to see Yeo-wool mimicking her posture. She attempted a manly cough, before straightening her shoulders.

"Handsome?! I was only admiring...the amazing skills...of those...fighting..." Nari's voice trailed off as she noticed Yeo-Wool's sceptical expression.

She let off a nervous laugh, failing to look convincing. Yeo-Wool raised his eyebrows with a smirk.

"It's true!" Nari retorted, noting the fact he wasn't buying it. "I like women!"

"Okay," Yeo-Wool answered with a shrug, before leaning in close to Nari. "You're secret's safe with me."

Nari's face stiffened as she processed his words through her mind.

"Se-secret?" she stuttered in alarm, her eyes wide with fear. "What are you talking about?"

Yeo-Wool chuckled and patted Nari on the back.

"It's alright to be a man, and also find men attractive," he stated bluntly. "I can't count the amount of times I've confused men with my charming appearance."

Nari scoffed, ready to defend herself. Before she could get a word out, however, her name was called to step forward. Immediately, Nari stood up to meet the instructor.

"It's now your turn to fight," he said, handing her a sword.

She grabbed it with anticipation, observing its every detail. Not noticing she was holding up time, the instructor gave her a little nudge, goading her into the centre of the arena. Nari looked up at her opponent and smiled as she recognised his face.

"Ji-Dwi!" she exclaimed with excitement, happy to be versing her roommate.

Ji-Dwi didn't know how to react to Mouse's boyish behaviour, and instead waited for the instructor to call 'begin'. As soon as the starting shout was heard, both Hwarangs began clashing swords.

'Surely Mouse will be easy to beat,' Ji-Dwi conformed to himself, his sword meeting with his competitor.

However, as the battle continued, Ji-Dwi began to realise just how skilled Mouse was. Nari parried a strike from Ji-Dwi, her playful antics still showing during the skirmish. In retaliation, Ji-Dwi spun around, striking a series of counter-attacks before their swords clashed in the middle. They both held their stance, locking eyes with one another. Ji-Dwi's gaze softened as he stared at Mouse. The eyes that looked back at him were like tranquil oceans, beautiful yet hiding many things. Their aura of blue made it hard for him to look away, as if his whole world was transitioning into a dream.

"Let's call that a draw!" the instructor announced.

Ji-Dwi flashed back to reality. Immediately feeling uncomfortable with his train of thoughts, he awkwardly dropped his sword and walked back to the sidelines, leaving Nari in the middle alone.

'What was that?' she asked herself, her gaze following Ji-Dwi out of the arena.


After the morning training session, the Hwarangs were given free time. Nari promptly made her way to the physician's room to visit her little brother.

"Poong-yeon?" she called as she reached the door.

A young boy emerged from a pile of empty baskets.

"Nari!" he yelled, running up to her and wrapping his arms around her legs.

Nari knelt down in front of him and squeezed his cheeks.

"We've talked about this," she said kindly. "You can't call me that and you have to be quiet or they might find you and kick you out."

Poong-yeon nodded apologetically, letting go of his sister.

Nari smiled with empathy and playfully ruffled her fingers through his hair.

"Is Ah-Ro looking after Your Highness?" she asked.

Poong-yeon giggled and nodded again, this time with a lot more enthusiasm.

"Very good," Nari said. "Remember to look after her as well."

"I don't have to," he replied abruptly. "Somebody else already does that."

"Somebody else?" Nari inquired with suspicion. "Who?"

"When he was in here, I was hiding so I couldn't see." Poong-yeon answered with thought. "But I think I heard Ah-Ro say his name...Seonu...?"

Nari gasped in surprise and she stared at her brother with an evil grin.

"Tell me more..." Nari pried, trying not to act too curious.

"Well...I thought he was her brother at first but I think he was just pretending," he continued. "They still pretend like they're siblings but I think they actually like each other."

Nari slammed her hand onto the table beside her.

"I knew it!" she proclaimed, her evil grin returning. "I could have some fun with this."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The sun set and dinner passed. The heavy weight of the day was starting to wear down on the Hwarangs and fatigue drifted through the household.

Nari lay in bed. The dim light of the hallway filtered through the room and she could hear the heavy breathing of her sleeping roommates. As much as she tried to sleep, her thoughts wouldn't let her. Things were racing through her head...Poong-yeon...Mother...the king. In frustration, she rolled over onto her back with a heavy sigh.

'This is going to be a long night.'

Reaching into her robe, she pulled out the bag of herbs she'd taken from the physician's room. Opening it ever so slightly, she held it to her nose and sniffed the familiar aroma. Something about its fragrance made her calm and relaxed; it made her feel like her mother wasn't really gone. After a pause, she placed it back into her pocket and pulled out her gold necklace. Holding it up to the flickering candlelight seeping through the doorway, she eyed the delicate detailing of the lily engraved into its surface. She began to wonder if she'd ever see her Father again, or if he was also gone forever like Mother. Nari sniffed in surprise as a tear trickled down the side of her face. She hastily wiped it away, before tucking her necklace back under her clothes.

All the while, Ji-Dwi had been observing her closely from his bed. He watched as Mouse dried his cheeks and put away his necklace. His mind couldn't help but wander back to the morning when they'd fought. Mouse's eyes had looked like they had so many hurtful things bottled up inside, and now, in the shadow of night; they were trying to relieve themselves.

A tapping began to sound on the rooftop as a light shower began to rain down. Nari was reminded of the day she had decided to join Hwarang. She had stood out in the thunderstorm before the poster, silently declaring war with the king. One last time, she reached into her robe and pulled out a small knife, its sharp blade reflecting her image.

'I'll find the king,' she promised herself. 'Even if it's the last thing I'll do, I'll find him.'

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