"let's just talk"

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"I want to congratulate you all once again, for the spectacular performance you put on for the Queen a few weeks ago," Master Wi-Hwa announced to the group of Hwarangs gathered around him. "I have heard many people talk positive things about it."

The Hwarangs cheered proudly, patting each on the back. Nari grinned at Ji-Dwi teasingly, making sure he knew her talent had contributed to that result. He rolled his eyes, unable to hide a lovestruck smile.

All the Hwarangs had gathered for their midday lessons. Nari and her roommates were huddled together on the stairs, listening intently.

"But it is important to remember," Wi-Hwa continued. "That that event won't be the ending of our public performances."

The teacher began pacing in front of his students.

"You were all created not only to be warriors...but entertainers. Therefore, this lesson we will be brushing up on our dancing abilities, making sure we haven't forgotten the skills we practiced so hard on before."

The room's cheerful atmosphere faded into a dim shadow as the Hwarangs groaned at the word 'practice'. Master Wi-Hwa let off an amused chuckle as the men got up and began finding their dance partners with frowns on their faces.

"Lighten up!" he exclaimed with a laugh. "I could've been making you all scrub out the kitchen."

Almost instantly, the Hwarangs sported fake smiles to avoid the harrowing chore of cleaning.

"That's better," Wi-Hwa smirked, disappearing into his office.

Nari stood up from her spot on the stairs, looking over at Ji-Dwi. On eye contact, she smiled slightly, making her way over to him.

"To the river?" she suggested, the location having been their usual practice space.

Ji-Dwi nodded, and the pair began walking to their destination. It only took a few seconds until Ji-Dwi stopped, looking down at Nari with amusement.

"Hang on...," he murmured slyly. "When I accidently hit you in between the legs, and you threw that big tantrum...was that all fake?"

"Umm," Nari giggled, before running off ahead.

"Yah!" Ji-Dwi called, running after her. "You made me feel so bad!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

After playing and mucking around, the pair finally arrived by the riverside. The sticks they'd used the last time they'd practiced were still sitting on the shore, ready to be handled. Nari walked over to them, picking one up.

"Nari," Ji-Dwi spoke up, causing the girl to look up at him quickly. He sighed, looking at the stick in her hand. "Let's not practice today."

Nari hesitated, unsure as to why Ji-Dwi was giving the suggestion.

"Oh?" she breathed, placing the stick back on the ground. "But Master Wi-Hwa told us we should?"

"Who cares what that old man says?" Ji-Dwi laughed, plopping himself down on the grass. "Lets just talk."

"Talk?" Nari questioned, taking her place beside Ji-Dwi. "Talk about what?"

The man looked Nari in the eyes.

"Whatever you'd like."

"Alright," Nari said, looking at the ground.

Silence engulfed the two as neither one knew what to say. The sound of the flowing river was comforting enough to listen to. Noticing that Nari was too unsure to begin, Ji-Dwi spoke up instead.

"Remember that day we came here?" he began. "We were talking about the king...and you told me you'd have a life for a life?"

Nari nodded, confused as to why he was bringing it up.

"What if..." Ji-Dwi continued. "You realised the king was someone you didn't want to hurt?"

"That's impossible,' Nari interjected, crossing her eyebrows. "How on earth would anyone not want to kill the person that slaughtered their own mother?!"

Ji-Dwi hesitated, his eyes downcast.

"I suppose you're right."

Nari looked back up at Ji-Dwi, sensing his dimmed spirit.

"Don't worry," she said with a grin, thinking the man was only concerned for her wellbeing. "I'll be alright."

Ji-Dwi gave her a half-hearted smile, before taking her hand in his. Nari's heart stopped as his warm fingers wrapped around her own, causing her cheeks to flush pink.

"Ji...Ji-Dwi...?" she stuttered, pulling her hand from his nervously.

Ji-Dwi's heart broke slightly as she did so.

"I'm sorry," he said, not knowing what he was thinking.

He turned his eyes to the ground.

"What am I thinking?!" he scolded himself. "I have no future with her."

Nari eyed him carefully, realising she'd hurt his feelings.

"Ji-Dwi," she spoke softly, placing her hand back into his.

The man looked down at her hand with surprise, before slowly looking up at Nari. Their eyes interlocked, their faces inching delicately towards each other. Nari's heart was racing, but she gradually closed her eyes, feeling Ji-Dwi's lips brush against her own. Almost engulfed in the moment, she forced her eyes back open, realising what she'd done.

"I'm-I'm sorry!" she cried, shooting backwards.

Ji-Dwi looked at her in shock as she sat awkwardly picking at the grass beside him. He then smiled warmly to himself, finding her shyness cute. Nari, however, was embarrassed, and quickly tried to think of something to say so their minds would be distracted.

"I have a question," she said suddenly, her face still hot red.

She dug her hand into her pocket, pulling out the coin she'd found weeks before – a lily etched into its surface.

"You once told me this came from a country far away," she said, Ji-Dwi's attention turning to the little object.

He nodded, inspecting it once again.

"Well," Nari continued, eyeing it carefully. "You wouldn't know what country, would you?"

Ji-Dwi thought for a moment, before looking back up at Nari.

"Somewhere in the West."

It was there that a tiny seed was planted in Nari's mind...just a little thought – an idea – that made her stomach tingle. 

- - - - - - - - - -  - -


Sorry for the slightly late update...that may or may not have been my fault hehe...OKAY, I've been binge-watching this show called Bondi Rescue. If you're Australian, you've probably heard of it. It's literally just footage of what lifeguards get up to at Bondi Beach...I don't know why it's so addictive but I'm definitely recommending it to you all. I'm HOOKED. If you want to check it out, search it up on YouTube. There's a few seasons on there. I suggest watching the newer seasons first. 

Anywaysssss enough about that, I hope you enjoyed this chapter...man I feel like this book still has a long way to go but oh well....hang in there hehe I'll try my best to wrap it up.

k byeee

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