"you'll find nothing"

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Nari held to Poong-yeon tightly as she stood there in the dark. Thin rays of yellow light floated in through the floorboards, illuminating the tunnel just enough for the pair to find their way out.

"Nari," Poong-yeon said softly, still half-asleep. "Why is it so dark?"

"Hush," Nari replied, pulling him closer. "You mustn't make a sound."

"Why not?" the boy mumbled, before letting out a yawn.

"Because I'm your older sister and you must do what I tell you."


Nari patted his back softly, lulling him back to sleep. Anyone would have thought the boy was still a baby. Poong-yeon had always acted young for his age.

Suddenly, a loud thump sounded in the distance, presumably the manor door being broken down. Voices of strange unfamiliar men echoed through the walls, causing Nari's muscles to tense. She knew she should start leaving, but an unknown force willed her to stay. She wanted to make sure Jeong-seo wasn't harmed.

The girl waited a few minutes, listening as the footsteps moved from one room to the next. Occasional crashing of pots and vases sounded, but thankfully no human cries. The sounds began to grow closer and closer, before finally, they entered the room where she was hiding.

"Search the chests and cupboards," a voice growled. "This is the last room." Soldiers began marching forward, flinging open drawers and flipping tables. Their shadows loomed over Nari; their bodies so close she daren't breathe.

"You'll find nothing!" Jeong-seo proclaimed, squeezing his walking stick angrily.

"Be quiet, old man!" the voice retorted. Nari inched forward, peeking though a gap to see who was there. She wasn't surprised when the Queen's Command came into view. "I hope you realise harbouring an enemy of the Queen is an act of treason. You'll be put to death when we find her."

"Find who?" Jeong-seo replied sharply. The Command glared at him, before stepping forward to meet his guards. "Anything?" he asked, but they shook their heads. "We've searched everywhere...nothing."

The Command swivelled back around, marching up to Jeong-seo. "Where is she?!" he yelled, kicking the old man's walking stick violently from his grip. Jeong-seo stumbled to the side, grabbing hold of the door frame to keep himself steady. Nari stifled a gasp, watching on nervously from underneath the floorboards.

"I've already told you. Whoever you came looking for, they're not here," Jeong-seo answered firmly. The Command raised his fist to strike the man but stopped himself from carrying through. "You'll be sorry," he growled, before turning to his men. "Get the girl." They nodded, running out of the room.

Jeong-seo quickly straightened himself, watching uneasily as the soldiers dragged his daughter from the hallway. "Let go of me!" she squealed; her usual disgusted expression smothered upon her face.

"How dishonourable of the queen's guards to handle a lady in such a manner!" Jeong-seo protested angrily. "She is the daughter of an esteemed noble!"

The Command glared at Jeong-seo cruelly, before grabbing the girl's face with his hand. Jeong-seo jumped forward in retaliation but the soldiers held him back. "Where is she?!" the Command yelled, trying to scare the woman into telling him the truth. Nari's heart raced. She was sure the girl would tell him, especially since she hated her so. "Where is your father hiding the wretch?!"

Jeong-seo's daughter squirmed, trying to wiggle out of the man's grip. Her wild eyes fell upon Nari's hiding place, and Nari was sure her time was up.

But, unexpectedly, the girl shook her head, crossing her eyebrows angrily. "I have no idea what you are talking about!" she hissed, her voice muffled from the hand wrapped around her cheeks.

The Command growled, pushing the girl backwards. She crashed upon the floor with a cry, resentful tears beginning to flow from her eyes. He ignored her, turning back to Jeong-seo. "I know you're hiding something, and you will tell me what."

"What makes you so sure?" Jeong-seo questioned. The Command smirked, turning back to his soldiers. "Bring in the prisoner. You'll know soon enough."

A man was dragged into the centre of the room, his head covered by a black cloth. His hands and ankles were tied firmly with rope as he knelt upon the floor. "Uncover him," the Command instructed. A soldier wrenched the cloth off the head of the prisoner, revealing none other than Yoon-sung.

Nari covered her mouth in shock, pain filling her heart. Her friend's face was beaten black and blue, blood dripping from his nose and forehead. His eyes rolled upwards as he struggled to stay conscious, and he panted heavily from exhaustion.

"Tell me where she is, old man," the Command demanded, circling Yoon-sung like a shark.

Jeong-seo was silent, for he knew not what to do. In response, the Command took the pommel of his sword, driving it into Yoon-sung's back. The prisoner howled in agony, falling onto his side. "Where is the girl?!" The Command shouted again, kicking his victim ruthlessly.

Jeong-seo didn't speak, but great pain filled his expression as he watched his faithful comrade suffer. Yoon-sung was moaning loudly in pain.

Nari's heart was beating out of her chest. She wanted to stop this. She wanted to reveal herself. She wanted Yoon-sung to be alright. But as she stood there in distress, she was reminded of the small form resting in her arms. She had a little brother to protect and look after. It was her job to keep him safe. Stepping out could compromise that.

"Tell me!" the Command screamed, driving his foot so hard into Yoon-sung that the man rolled over motionless. Jeong-seo flinched, wanting badly for the interrogation to cease. He lowered his eyes, feeling conflicted inside. The Command smiled when he saw this and walked up to where he stood.

"That's right...if you tell me where the girl is, I'll let your guard go. Don't let him suffer any longer."

Jeong-seo whimpered, looking down at Yoon-sung's blood-smeared face. "I-" he began.

"Yes?" the Command answered.

"She's-" Jeong-seo continued to stutter. Nari held her breath, beginning to back further away into the depths of the tunnel.

"She's-" the old man repeated, the Command waiting like a ravenous wolf for the words to come out. But a low raspy grunt came from the floor, quiet but desperate.

"No..." Yoon-sung moaned with swollen lips. "D-don't."

Jeong-seo looked down at his friend, then back at the Command. With a painful heart he shook his head. "She's not here. You will not find her."

The Command's face shrivelled into fury, and he smashed his fist into the wall. "You will pay for this betrayal!" he yelled, before leading his soldiers out of the house, dragging Yoon-sung with them.

Nari breathed a sigh of relief, hugging Poong-yeon tightly. "Let's go," she whispered, before following the dark trail that would lead her to safety.

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Yoooooooo I updated?! That's so crazy!! hahaha

Anyway I hope ya'll stay safe and keep healthy. Wash those little hands of yours and keep your distance from others - especially the elderly :) 

love u 

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