"please help me"

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Nari followed as everyone fell to their knees, reverently awaiting the Queen's orders. She looked over at Ji-Dwi as if to ask what was going on. He just stared at the ground, as if concentrated on something in his mind.

"Nari!" a whisper came from behind.

Nari carefully looked back to see who was calling her. Yeo-Wool and Hansung met her gaze.

"Are you alright?" Hansung asked, despite Yeo-Wool's efforts to shush him. If the guards caught them talking, there'd be serious consequences. "You disappeared without a word!"

Nari nodded her head, but she felt quite the opposite. She wasn't alright...not now that she knew her Father was out there but instead, was stuck in Hwarang with the woman who banished him. She turned her body back around, intrigued in finding out the meaning of the Queen's visit. She could hear her delicate steps pacing towards the front of the assembly.

"All may rise," the Queen commanded. Immediately, her words were answered with obedience as the Hwarangs rose to their feet. For a minute, the monarch just stood there and looked at them, a small yet obvious smirk on her face. Nari could feel she was here to 'play games.'

"Your submission pleases me," the Queen finally spoke up, causing Nari to roll her eyes with spite. She had expected nothing less from the woman. "I have always admired Hwarang. Your performances and training have not only impressed me, but the people of Silla."

The Queen began to pace back and forth before the group of men, as if ready to share an insightful speech.

"Some of you may be wondering why I am here," she continued, her sly words imitating a fox ready to cause mischief. "Of course, this place belongs to my son: The King. I wouldn't dare meddle with his affairs."

She stopped, as if to think for a moment. "No..." the Queen sighed, raising her chin imperiously. "I'm here to deal with something else."

With a click of her finger, the royal guard were surrounding the Hwarangs, spears pointed towards them. Panic rose from within the crowd, frightful muttering rising in volume. "What's going on?!" Nari cried, her voice drowned out by the group's hum of alarm. She looked to Ji-Dwi, whom she'd been squished towards following the sudden upset. He seemed more angry than confused.

"There's no need to make conspiracies, boys," the Queen finally laughed, narrowing her eyes. "Let me explain myself to you all."

She began pacing forwards and backwards again, emitting her authority with a strong overpowering aura. "Hwarang is an important asset to Silla. It represents us, it protects us, it is us. Therefore, it is vital Hwarang has no blemishes, on the outside...and within."

She paused, her feet becoming still.

"There is a rat here in Hwarang."

Nari lowered her eyes, her stomach suddenly twisting and turning. Did the Queen know her identity? Just the thought of it made her heart race rapidly. Nari positioned herself behind the taller man in front of her, trying to remain unseen. If this was what she thought it was, she would have to think of an escape plan now! A nervous sweat was already breaking out on her forehead. She looked to Ji-Dwi for help, but his eyes remained locked on the ground.

"There is someone here," the Queen continued. "Whose wicked schemes have managed to deceive you. It is my duty to the people to have this person dealt with accordingly."

Nari felt a soft tap on her left shoulder, and she flinched at its sudden occurrence. She was clearly already on-edge. Turning around slowly, she found Yeo-Wool facing her, concern written all over his face. "We have to get you out of here," he muttered quietly, grabbing her arm. "There's minimum guards at the back. Maybe we can sneak out unnoticed."

"So, she is talking about me?" Nari asked quickly, thoroughly confused and scared. She rubbed her sweaty palms together. "How did she find out?!"

"That doesn't matter right now. We have to go!"

Yeo-Wool slowly began inching through the crowd, pulling Nari behind him. She tried to keep her head as low as possible, hoping desperately to go undetected.

"I hope," the Queen suddenly said. "This person won't disappear too quickly."

Nari halted in her tracks, turning her head to the front. The Queen's deathly eyes stared back at her. There was nowhere to hide now. Nari began to shiver with horror, quickly returning to her place beside Ji-Dwi. Gently tugging on his gown, she muttered, "Ji-Dwi, please help me."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


Sorry for the shooorrttt asssss update but my brain isn't working today and my motivation is at a whopping level 0. These next few chapters are really important I guess, and I want to write them out the best I can. I really wasn't feeling it today and I didn't want that to ruin the scene. Quality over quantity? Hope u enjoy tho :(

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