"I was so close"

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The night of the performance had finally come. The Hwarangs were zipping in and out of tents, fitting themselves into their uniforms and squeezing in some final practice moves. Nari walked into the tent where most of the men had congregated. In the corner, she spotted Yeo-Wool and Hansung stretching, a lively Suho going over the routine next to them. With a grin, she approached them, amused at the wild flapping of their arms and legs.

"You look like a chicken, Suho," Nari teased, before scrawling behind Yeo-Wool for protection from the offended victim.

Yeo-Wool didn't take any notice. He was too busy discussing his dance moves with Hansung, who was unable to hide his enthusiasm.

"If I go up, you go down," Hansung instructed, before playing out his words with his body.

Yeo-Wool copied, watching carefully to make sure he was doing it right.

"You both seem to have practiced hard," Nari said, slowly appearing from behind Yeo-Wool's back.

Hansung beamed, happy at the compliment.

"Come practice with us!" he invited, joyous to be in Nari's company.

The girl laughed at his bubbly offer.

"I'll pass. I'm going to save my energy for the actual performance...I'm a lot smaller than you."

"Alright," Hansung replied, a grin still locked on his face. "Let's go over this part now, Yeo-Wool"

Nari watched intently as her friends continued to rehearse the dance. She giggled as they messed up, one usually giving the other a pouty telling-off. As time went on, her gaze drifted around the room, eyeing the other Hwarangs and the happenings involving them. She found herself looking to the centre of the tent where a table sat soundly, two Hwarangs sitting on chairs beside it. One was Seonu, who was busily trying to tie up his stubborn robe, and the other was...Ji-Dwi. Their eyes met for a moment, causing Nari's smile to quickly fade. For a second, she caught his longing, almost apologetic gaze, but she turned her head away quickly. She felt bad for the words she'd exchanged with him earlier, but she knew it was for the best. Perhaps it was wiser for her to keep a distance from him, as she knew with each moment they spent together, her heart beat for him all the more.

"Are you alright?" Yeo-Wool suddenly asked, noticing Mouse's downcast expression.

Nari looked up at him with a smile, nodding her head. Unconvinced at the poorly put on act, Yeo-Wool glanced to where he'd seen Nari looking earlier, then back at the girl.

"Did something happen between her and Ji-Dwi?" he pondered.

Before he could inquire any further, the tent entrance flung open. In walked Master Wei-Hwa, his sly expression a little more cheerful than usual.

"Alright everyone, it's time for things to begin."

The Hwarangs burst into chatter as their nerves began to intensify. Master Wei-Hwa clapped his hands amongst the noise to motion for the performers to hurry. Quickly enough, each of them bustled out of the tent with excitement, assembling at both sides of the stage. It wasn't long before the lights were dimmed, and the instruments began their melodic tunes.

"Yah, we're on soon!" Hansung burst out with excitement, elbowing Nari in the side.

She laughed as best she could, but her attention was drawn elsewhere. Amongst the crowd of people, one figure stood out. She sat, coldly staring at the stage clothed with colourful silk garments.

"The Queen," Nari growled internally, spite coursing through her body.

Slowly releasing her gaze from the disdainful monarch, Nari scanned over the people surrounding her, eyeing the Princess, the Command and a few handmaidens.

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