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[song recommendation: BLACKPINK – Really]

⠀⠀Adrenaline flowed through Jungkook's veins as he explored the website and carefully read their terms and conditions. He felt rebellious, like a toddler reaching into a cookie jar, and even slightly dirty. Now understanding how the site worked, Jungkook signed up for an account and hesitated a little when deciding on a username. Perhaps he should have gone with something eye catching, but instead he went with the cheesy name BunnyBoy97. Whatever, it was playful.

⠀⠀To finish the process, he had to link his bank account and wait for a confirmation on the setup. While waiting on that to go through, Jungkook tidied up his room a little and tried to make the scenery appear sultry by closing his curtains and dimming the lights. Part of him wanted to text Jimin and let him know about his impulsive decision, but he decided he'd test the waters with this whole cam boy thing before jumping the gun.

⠀⠀Once Jungkook received the email that confirmed everything was ready to go, he began his first broadcast. His laptop screen displayed himself on camera along with a text chat and 'tip jar' on the side. Looking at himself on screen, he realized he needed to sex it up a bit and not be boring. No one wanted to watch a prude after all.

⠀⠀The boy sighed out as he stripped down to only his tight briefs, feeling ashamed at what he was doing. Then again, he needed the money and reassured himself he was doing this for the right reasons. A few minutes passed by with no one tuning into his broadcast yet, and this was sort of disheartening; he had to remember that everyone started off slow, though.

⠀⠀What felt like hours later (but was actually minutes), someone finally joined his broadcast. The phrase 'BigPapa55 has joined your session!' was displayed on his screen to which he smiled and shyly let out, "hi."

BigPapa55: Hey cutie! How are you?

⠀⠀Crossing his legs and fluttering his eyelashes a bit, Jungkook answered sweetly, "I'm doing great, big papa." Saying that name made him cringe beyond belief, but he had to sell it. Now pouting his lips, he added, "Thanks for joining me... I was getting lonely here."

BigPapa55: Mmm you sound so sexy, baby. Kind of turning me on, not gonna lie... Wanna play a game?

BigPapa55 tipped you $20!

⠀⠀Well, at least he now had twenty of the six hundred dollars he needed to pay his rent. This guy didn't seem stingy with his tipping, so hopefully Jungkook could milk this pervert for all he was worth. Jungkook placed his index finger on his cherry red lips and rubbed it innocently. "Oh? What kind of game?"

BigPapa55: I'll ask you a few questions and they'll get dirtier each time. The more your answers turn me on, the higher I'll tip you. Sound good, baby?

⠀⠀Honestly, Jungkook didn't want to do this, but the money-desperate college kid in him went along with it anyway. "Ask away," he said seductively, biting his lip and running fingers through his hair as he waited for his first question. He swore to God, if one of the question was something like 'Can you shove a cucumber up your ass?' then he was calling it quits.

BigPapa55: What's your favorite sex position? I bet you're a screamer too, mmm...

⠀⠀Cheeks flushed and lips parted, Jungkook hesitated a second before playing everything off like he was confident. He wasn't going to think about him, not now. "Let me show you," he stated with a flirty wink and strutted over to his bed.

⠀⠀Getting on all fours and arching his ass high into the air, Jungkook looked into the camera and said, "I love doggy style. Gives my man a nice view and he gets to take control." Jungkook licked his lips and breathed out, "I bet you're good at taking control, huh?"

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