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[song recommendation: ODD EYE CIRCLE – Uncover]

⠀⠀Foam met with Taehyung's lips as he took a swig of his beer in a red solo cup. He was spending his Friday night in the company of his best friends, the sound of their voices extra boisterous due to the alcohol. The four of them did this quite often, getting together to drink and talk about things that piqued their interest—chicks, sports, video games. You know, "manly" things.

⠀⠀Although he loved his best friends, Taehyung always felt like the odd one out. Considering he was the only gay one of the group, them talking about "chicks with big tits" wasn't necessarily exciting for Taehyung. Both of them being gay was one of the reasons Taehyung and Jin clicked so well, actually. Taehyung was always closer to Jin compared to the others, and with their falling out, he lacked that one true best friend in his group.

⠀⠀The other three tried their best not to pick sides amid Jin and Taehyung's fall-out, but Taehyung believed otherwise. Eventually, Jin had confessed why he dumped Jungkook to the other three, and whenever Taehyung would ask about it, they'd refuse by claiming they wanted to respect Jin's privacy. This only exacerbated Taehyung feeling like a pariah in his group of friends.

⠀⠀Yet here Taehyung was, seated on the couch of Yoongi's living room and listening to Namjoon talk about motorboating some chick he hooked up with last night. Feigning interest, Taehyung listened as Namjoon went on until he received a call from Jungkook. He perked up at this and grinned at the cute contact photo of Jungkook displayed on his phone screen.

⠀⠀"Hey, baby," greeted Taehyung, the others quieting down around him.

⠀⠀"Hi," squeaked out Jungkook, his voice meek and soft in contrast to Taehyung's deep one. "You haven't texted me much today, so I was a little... worried, I guess." Jungkook was reluctant to let that last bit slip out, and Taehyung smirked at this.

⠀⠀"Thinking about me, I see," he said smugly, a chuckle ensuing after.

⠀⠀"Oh, whatever! Don't get any ideas- I was just being nice..." the younger grumbled, lips pouted and eyebrows furrowed.

⠀⠀"Keep pretending you don't care- it's cute." Leaning back in the plush couch, Taehyung stared up at the ceiling as he continued his conversation with Jungkook on the line. "Anyway, you have nothing to worry about. Just having a couple drinks with the boys."

⠀⠀"Well, don't get too drunk, alright? Don't want you showing up to my place all trashed again."

⠀⠀"Hmm- seeing what happened that night, maybe I should get shitfaced," teased Taehyung, and he could already picture the flush on Jungkook's cheeks.

⠀⠀"Show up to my door and you'll be spending the night sleeping in the cold, you little shit," retorted Jungkook.

⠀⠀"Act tough all you want. I know you're a softie." One of the things Taehyung loved most about Jungkook was how sweet and kind-hearted he was. Even after all these years, he remained the nice kid he knew from back in the day.

⠀⠀A soft yawn emitted from Jungkook's lips and he checked the time on his phone. "I've been coding for my computer class for hours now and I'm spent. I think I'm gonna call it a night," said a tired Jungkook.

⠀⠀"Aww, alright- sleep tight, baby," cooed Taehyung. "I'll pick you tomorrow to go to the pool at around six, okay?"

⠀⠀The line went silent for a second before it transitioned into Jungkook stuttering out, "Y-Yeah, okay. Sounds g-good-d."

⠀⠀Taehyung was a bit perplexed. This was the second time Jungkook reacted this way over this get together. "Everything alright?" asked Taehyung, his voice perfumed with concern.

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