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[song recommendation: f(x) – Rude Love]

⠀⠀Jungkook was at a bit of a crossroads with making his decision. If he wanted to be petty, he could reject Taehyung, and while that would be slightly satisfying after past events, that wasn't Jungkook's character. Instead, he figured Taehyung's apology seemed sincere and he might as well get a free meal out of this.

⠀⠀Taehyung stared at Jungkook in anticipation while Jungkook bit his lip in contemplation. "Yeah, I'd like that." Jungkook's answer left Taehyung feeling relieved. Although it sounded vain, someone as handsome as Taehyung wasn't rejected very often, so he didn't deal with it well.

⠀⠀"Alright, well, uh-" Taehyung slowly backed away from Jungkook and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'll pick you up at seven tonight. Sound good?"

⠀⠀Jungkook noticed a faint blush on Taehyung's cheeks and his body language was the definition of nervous. He'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy watching Taehyung squirm a little for once.

⠀⠀The younger flashed Taehyung a smile in return. "Okay. I'll text you my address too."

⠀⠀Taehyung coughed and regained his cool composure before replying back, "Cool. See ya." He gave Jungkook a quick nod before walking out of the hall and Jungkook simply rolled his eyes. He wasn't buying Taehyung suddenly trying to play things off cool.

⠀⠀As Jungkook left to attend his next class, he felt something in his stomach. It wasn't necessarily butterflies, but rather excitement. He couldn't explain it exactly, but it had to do with Taehyung. It had nothing to do with romantic feelings, more so their nostalgic friendship that he yearned for. Being asked out for dinner was a nice change up from being shamed for being a cam boy or being forced to listen to Taehyung have sex with a stranger.

~ ~

⠀⠀Well, that bad luck Jungkook was cursed with reared its ugly head once again. This time, it wasn't even his own doing yet it was still at his own expense. Basically, Taehyung was running late and didn't have enough time to pick up Jungkook, so he asked if Jungkook could walk to his house instead. Apparently, Taehyung had reservations for them at a restaurant and they couldn't afford to be late.

⠀⠀Now, Jungkook didn't mind walking, but he didn't like last minute changes like this and being rushed—it triggered his nerves and those were a bitch to deal with. That aside, he managed to get to Taehyung's house in no time and gave the door a knock. When no one answered for well over a minute, Jungkook assumed he could just walk in.

⠀⠀"Taehyung! I'm here!" He shouted and wandered around the house to find his dinner date.

⠀⠀If he had to be honest, going on what was basically a date with Taehyung felt weird. Sure, it was just dinner and likely a friendly gesture, but Taehyung had been nothing but an asshole to Jungkook since he came back into his life. While Jungkook wanted to be optimistic and give his former friend the benefit of the doubt, he still had his guard up.

⠀⠀Using common sense, Jungkook figured Taehyung's bedroom would be a good place to check. Hopefully he wasn't fúcking some dude in there again. Usually Jungkook would knock first, but he simply opened Taehyung's door and he regretted it. In front of Jungkook was a naked Taehyung trying to slip on his briefs.

⠀⠀"Oh, my God! I'm so sorry!" Jungkook's eyes widened like moon craters and he quickly shut the door. The boy backed away against the wall and slid down until he was on the floor with his knees pulled to his chest. Jungkook was beyond embarrassed. He needed a new word to describe how he felt.

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