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[song recommendation: BTS – Butterfly]

⠀⠀Spin the bottle seemed like a fun—albeit cliché—party game; well, until one was in the hot seat having to do the kissing. Jungkook wanted nothing more than to throw the bottle at a wall and shout 'game over!' but who was he kidding—he wasn't gonna do that.

⠀⠀Eyes wide, Jungkook looked over at Yoongi and gulped while Yoongi seemed nonchalant about the whole thing. "What?! I can't kiss Yoongi!" the younger objected franticly.

⠀⠀Irene cocked her eyebrow and titled her head in confusion. "Why not?"

⠀⠀Jungkook began forming what were supposed to be sentences that sounded more like a stammering mess. "H-He's a fr-friend! It'll be, uh- it'll be weird!" Jungkook scooted backwards on the floor, and not realizing, inched closer to Taehyung.

⠀⠀ "And besides, Yoongi's straight," he said nervously. Jungkook felt Taehyung's hand wrap around his waist as he had his mini meltdown, to which he looked up at Taehyung and noticed he seemed annoyed. It was written all over his face with his clenched jaw and harsh gaze.

⠀⠀Rolling her eyes, Nayeon snickered, "So is spaghetti until you boil it." Being extra, she sprung to her feet and shouted, "Come on! It's twenty-gay-teen! Live a little!"

⠀⠀Adjusting her coat over shoulders, Irene looked in Jungkook's direction. "I mean, you knew we were playing spin the bottle. You kind of knew what to expect beforehand, yeah?"

⠀⠀Sighing, Jungkook looked over at Yoongi again who flashed him a mild smile. "I don't really care, Kook. It's just a silly game, and it's not like a measly kiss is gonna make me gay."

⠀⠀Jungkook nodded and looked down while he chuckled nervously. What really made this feel weird was that Yoongi was a friend of Jin's, his ex-boyfriend. Part of him felt wrong doing this, but the other part of him realized it wasn't that damn deep and he was freaking out over nothing.

⠀⠀Making up his mind, Jungkook gently pulled Taehyung's hand off himself and inched closer to Yoongi. "Ye-Yeah, okay... I'll do it, b-but you have to kiss me. A blush developed on Jungkook's cheeks as he looked at Yoongi shyly. Honestly, the boy was submissive by nature and hated making the first move. He was used to someone else always taking charge.

⠀⠀"Sure," was all Yoongi said before placing his calloused hand on the back of Jungkook's head and pulling him in for a kiss. Jungkook kept his eyes shut tight and hands in his lap, looking passive and cute. Yoongi's lips felt rougher than Jungkook's and his breath was nice and minty, and he was a good kisser to boot, but Jungkook didn't feel much. Basically, he just wanted this to be over with.

⠀⠀The others around them oohed and aahed, with Nayeon in particular letting out a squeal. "So cute!" Taehyung, his reaction polar opposite of Nayeon's, felt uneasy and bit the inside of his cheek as he watched the two kiss in front of him.

⠀⠀Yoongi's lips gently detached from Jungkook's and he gave the younger a pat on his thigh. "See? Wasn't so bad."

⠀⠀Jungkook's eyes fluttered open and his cheeks remained tinted. "Yeah," he mumbled out in a delicate voice, and pulled his knees to his chest and stayed in this position for the remainder of the game.

⠀⠀When things wrapped up, Taehyung needed a minute to blow off some steam, so he told Jungkook he was going to fetch them some punch. Taehyung now not in sight, Jungkook walked over to join a lonesome Yoongi in the corner of the living room. "Hey- mind if I join you?" he asked, receiving a grin and silent nod of approval from Yoongi in return.

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