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[song recommendation: (G)I-DLE – Don't Text Me]

⠀⠀Jungkook was a sweaty, moaning mess at the moment. He was sprawled out on his bed, camera focused on him, as he jerked off while pleasuring himself with a vibrator. Each time the sex toy hit his prostate, he curled his toes in ecstasy and let out a sweet moan. The sweat coating his body made his abs glisten, and with every lewd whimper he let out, his face tinted a deeper shade of red.

⠀⠀The boy quickened the rate he pumped his member as he could feel his climax approaching, a warm feeling brewing in his tummy. As Jungkook reached his orgasm, he let out a high-pitched grunt, the sound ricocheting off the walls of his room.

⠀⠀With a heaving chest covered in his own cum, Jungkook lay in his bed to catch his breath and come down from his orgasmic high. Sobering up (metaphorically speaking), Jungkook slowly pulled the vibrator out of his hole and cleaned himself off with a towel. The boy then threw on a robe and waddled to his laptop, thanking his subscribers and collecting his tips before ending the broadcast.

⠀⠀Jungkook ran his fingers through his disheveled hair and let out a soft sigh. This was his first broadcast back since he took a hiatus during the whole Taehyung breakup fiasco, and during the hiatus it felt nice not having to get naked on camera for money for once; it felt nice not having to feel disgusting and cheap (in the back of his mind) during every broadcast; it felt nice not having a sudden guilt hit him after each show; it felt nice not having to be a cam boy.

⠀⠀Yet here he was, back to his old routine and with that same guilt hitting him again. Feeling gross and sweaty, Jungkook opted to take a quick shower. Too bad he couldn't wash off the guilt no matter how long he showered—no amount of soap and water could scrub that away.

⠀⠀A much needed shower later, Jungkook was planted on his couch with his bath robe still on, a pair of bunny slippers to compliment it. It felt nice being alone for real this time while on his couch. Before he had been accompanied by a state of depression and a broken heart, and now he was truly alone in silence.

⠀⠀Well, he was alone until his boyfriend walked through his front door with Chinese takeout in his hands and a warm smile on his face. "Hey, babe. I brought you a little something to eat," Taehyung greeted as he set down the Chinese food on the coffee table in Jungkook's living room.

⠀⠀"Aw- such a gentleman," Jungkook cooed, still seated on the couch with Taehyung standing over him in a baseball cap, black sweater, and a pair of sweatpants. He looked so fucking hot, and Jungkook just had to kiss him- he couldn't resist.

⠀⠀The younger cupped his boyfriend's cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss to thank him for the food, and because he loved kissing him (duh !). The two smiled as their faces remained close to one another, Taehyung closing in for another kiss, but on Jungkook's jaw rather than his lips. As the older kissed along Jungkook's face, his slipped his lips down to Jungkook's shoulder and began sucking at it.

⠀⠀Jungkook whimpered as his boyfriend began giving him a hickey, Taehyung hovering over Jungkook on the couch. Taehyung then started rubbing his hardening member against Jungkook's thigh while he slowly pulled at Jungkook's robe to expose his shoulder.

⠀⠀"Kinda wanna fuck you right now," Taehyung growled in Jungkook's ear, grinding his clothed member against Jungkook.

⠀⠀"N-No, Taehyung- the food," Jungkook whined, shrugging his shoulders to get Taehyung to stop kissing him.

⠀⠀"Oh, c'mon! We haven't for weeks!" Taehyung complained, sliding off Jungkook and sitting next to him on the couch.

⠀⠀Jungkook's cheeks adorned a light pink blush at Taehyung's words, muttering, "I know, but I'm not in the mood. I already, y'know..."

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