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[song recommendation: (G)I-DLE – What's in Your House?]

⠀⠀Knots were developing in Jungkook's stomach as he checked himself out in the mirror, head over his shoulder as he looked at his ass. He was beyond nervous since he didn't have the best track record for parties for what it was worth. One bad experience had soured him from the idea of them totally, but yet here he was getting ready to attend one with Taehyung anyway. He hated how much of a pushover he was sometimes.

⠀⠀Deciding on the typical ripped jeans and sweater combo outfit he always wore, Jungkook plopped down on his bed and checked the time. A loud sigh was heaved when he realized he still had twenty minutes until Taehyung arrived to pick him up. There was still doubt with whether he should bail on Taehyung or not.

⠀⠀Needing a pep talk, he picked up his phone and dialed Jimin's number, and of course the latter picked up instantly. He loved to blabber. "You rang?" asked Jimin as he picked up.

⠀⠀"Yeah, I- uh, I need a pep talk, Jimmy," Jungkook uttered, his voice extra throaty.

⠀⠀Jungkook could feel the steam blowing out of Jimin's ears as he gave him a verbal lashing on the other line. "What did I say about calling me 'Jimmy'?! Do you want me to hang up?! Because, bitch, I'll do it!"

⠀⠀"OMG- Calm down! You're so dramatic." Rolling his eyes and snickering, Jungkook cleared his throat and went on. "So, I'm going to a party with Taehyung and—"

⠀⠀"What?!" Jimin interjected with his high-pitched voice. "Since when did you two become a thing?!"

⠀⠀Jungkook's eyes widened and a blush developed on his pudgy cheeks. "Since never, you bitch! H-He's just a friend is all..." Jungkook hated keeping all that had happened with Taehyung from Jimin, but he didn't want his best friend involving himself, and Jungkook knew he would. Jimin was protective like that.

⠀⠀To his remark, Jimin hummed along in a mocking tone. "Mhmm, yeah- yeah, that's what they all say. One second you're just friends, and then the next you're having him snort coke off your ass." Before Jungkook could fire back a sly remark, Jimin went on with his tangent. "Oh, and are you sure going to a party is a good idea? I mean, shit, look what happened last time..."

⠀⠀"Funny you mention that- That's why I'm calling, actually," said Jungkook meekly, twirling his finger in the bed sheets he lied on. "Taehyung basically begged me to go, and you know how I am... So I said yes, but now I'm having second thoughts. I'm scared I'll have a repeat of last time."

⠀⠀"Just don't drink this time and you'll be fine, hon'. Like, sometimes you gotta conquer your fears, y'know?" Jimin did have a point, so Jungkook let out a heaved sigh as he took in his best friend's words.

⠀⠀"You're right."

⠀⠀Now getting a little too cocky, Jimin scoffed out, "Of course I am."

⠀⠀Eyes rolling faster than tires on a highway, Jungkook giggled out in a teasing manner, "Hmm, is that so? Perhaps you should take your own advance then, Jimin. If we're supposed to conquer our fears, why haven't you tried topping?"

⠀⠀Now it was Jimin's turn to get flustered, and boy, did he. "Fuck you!" he squeaked out and didn't even think twice about hanging up on the younger.

⠀⠀Nothing but silence was heard by Jungkook as he pouted his lips in confusion. "J-Jimin? Hello?" He pulled his phone down from his ear and looked at the screen to see the call had ended. "Oh, c'mon! I was just kidding!"

~ ~

⠀⠀Jungkook stared mindlessly at the road through the windshield of Taehyung's car as they drove to the party. The younger felt a pat on his thigh and he jumped a little, startled. "You okay?" asked Taehyung, his voice perfumed with concern.

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