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[song recommendation: EXID – Boy]

⠀⠀It was strange, really. Whenever Jungkook did his broadcasts, he felt like he'd escape reality for a little bit. He was safe behind closed doors, putting on this act to be BunnyBoy97 for no one else to see. Yet here was Taehyung bursting his bubble and reminding him that things like this could never fully be private.

⠀⠀Like a deer in headlights, Jungkook froze in place, and Taehyung's dark, drunken gaze wasn't helping either. Instead of running over and kicking Taehyung out of his room like he should've, Jungkook slowly backed against the wall next to his dresser.

⠀⠀"Tae, what are you..." muttered Jungkook before Taehyung walked over to him. Jungkook couldn't finish his sentence as Taehyung closed in on him, the tips of their feet touching and Taehyung placing his hand above the wall Jungkook was leaning against.

⠀⠀"I thought you were doing homework?" he asked mockingly and clicked his tongue.

⠀⠀Taehyung lowered his face in and let his lips linger awfully close to Jungkook's own. "I-I, uh, well-" Jungkook's breath hitched and cheeks tinted at the close contact.

⠀⠀Taehyung smirked—he loved making Jungkook blush. He looked so cute and innocent, and Taehyung fucking loved that. Cute was definitely his type. It made him feel more dominant in comparison as Taehyung much preferred taking control. That was easy with someone like Jungkook.

⠀⠀"C'mon- spit it out, shy boy. I'm waiting," he whispered in Jungkook's ear and traced his lips against Jungkook's jaw to taunt him.

⠀⠀Jungkook shuddered and was flustered about this effect Taehyung had on him. "I thought you were sleeping," murmured Jungkook.

⠀⠀"I asked you a question first," he said assertively. "Don't try to change the topic, baby."

⠀⠀Remembering his broadcast was still going, Jungkook's eyes widened and he attempted to push Taehyung off himself. But instead of that happening, Jungkook found himself being pressed harder against the wall with Taehyung pinning both his hands against it.

⠀⠀"Where do you think you're going, eh?" asked Taehyung smugly, Jungkook whining in response. "Trying to get aggressive with me, I see... That's cute."

⠀⠀"Tae- Stop! My broadcast is still on! Let me turn it off!" squeaked out Jungkook, his lips pouting and eyes narrowing.

⠀⠀Taehyung just found Jungkook adorable and not a single bit intimidating. It didn't matter how angry he got. "I don't care. Let them watch." Lowering in again, Taehyung rasped out, "I want them to know that you're mine."

⠀⠀The way Taehyung was being extra flirty and possessive was obviously due to the alcohol, and Jungkook knew he was bound to say something stupid. He was already name dropping and Jungkook was spazzing at the idea of his viewers hearing him.

⠀⠀"I said stop!" snapped Jungkook, slipping his fingers out of Taehyung's hold and nudging him out of the way.

⠀⠀Darting over to his laptop, Jungkook was relieved that the two of them were out of frame of the webcam this whole time. Apologetically, Jungkook uttered out, "Sorry for in the interruption, my viewers. Some things have come up and I gotta end the broadcast early. I'm truly sorry for this inconvenience."

⠀⠀Clicking 'end broadcast' and closing his laptop shut, Jungkook then found a body enveloping his backside. Taehyung's arms snaked around Jungkook's waist and his chin rested on Jungkook's shoulder. "Look how sexy you look in this lingerie- so fucking sexy," he growled, rubbing his lower half against Jungkook's behind.

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