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[song recommendation: 2NE1 – It Hurts]

⠀⠀For the past week, everything had felt stagnant to Jungkook. His surroundings felt lifeless, idle, dull, like a blank canvas. Taehyung dumping him out of nowhere took him for a surprise—he felt blindsided, betrayed, angry, confused, sad. Jungkook was sad.

⠀⠀As Jungkook carried on with his boring daily routine of school and homework throughout the week, he attempted several times to get ahold of Taehyung. From spamming him texts begging to talk to calling multiple times, it was all no use. The least he could do was text Jungkook back, but instead he remained a coward and didn't reply.

⠀⠀Every time Jungkook would attend his calculus class, his heart would palpitate, anticipating and hoping Taehyung would show up. Yet he was nowhere to be seen. It was like Jungkook was reliving the summer after his freshman year, heartbroken over a boy and hurting. He was bound to run out of tears with all the crying he had done, too.

⠀⠀While the sound of some TV show played in the background of Jungkook's living room, he lay on his couch, a pout on his lips as he cuddled the bunny Taehyung gave him for his fifteenth birthday. He then heard a loud knock on his door and jolted up from the couch, scurrying over.

⠀⠀"Taehyungie?" Jungkook asked himself as he reached the door. He said his thoughts out loud as if they'd come true.

⠀⠀What was hope turned into disappointment, and it showed from the grimace on Jungkook's face as he opened the door. In front of him was Jimin, a black beanie over his head and a smile that—unlike the cold October weather—was warm.

⠀⠀"Hey there, you little hermit! Mind if I come in?" Jimin greeted him, his cheeks tinted from the cold.

⠀⠀"Oh, J-Jimin, hi. Yeah- come in," Jungkook muttered, opening the door further and walking back to sit on the couch, his body sulking.

⠀⠀Jimin let out a quiet sigh, sympathizing with his best friend. He hated seeing him like this- so hurt and devastated. He'd never forget how broken and hoarse Jungkook's voice sounded when he called him on the phone crying over Taehyung; it gave him goosebumps even thinking about it.

⠀⠀Sitting down next to Jungkook, Jimin placed his arm over Jungkook's sunken shoulders and pulled him in, Jungkook's head leaning against Jimin's shoulder. Jimin rubbed at Jungkook's arm as he asked, "How ya holding up, hmm?"

⠀⠀"I'm trying to feel better, Jimin- I really am," Jungkook croaked as he wrapped both his arms around Jimin's arm he was leaning on. "I just wish- I-I just wish he'd talk to m-me," Jungkook whimpered, his voice delicate like glass.

⠀⠀"I know, I know," Jimin cooed softly, running his hands through Jungkook's chestnut brown locks of hair. "Have you tried keeping yourself busy so you're not stuck thinking about him constantly?"

⠀⠀"I tried- didn't work," Jungkook huffed.

⠀⠀As the younger sat back up, Jimin crossed his legs and turned to Jungkook. "Are you sure you don't want me to talk to him, Kook? Like I told you, I have a friend who's over six feet tall- used to be in a gang and shit. Could teach Taehyung a lesson or two—"

⠀⠀"No," Jungkook interjected flatly, "I don't want you to hurt him..."

⠀⠀"Why not? He hurt you," Jimin argued. The older had always been protective over Jungkook, and when Jungkook had told Jimin what had happened, Jungkook had to practically beg Jimin not to give Taehyung a piece of his mind.

⠀⠀"And?" Jungkook looked down, his feet dangling over the couch as he swung them back and forth, and added lowly, "doesn't mean I don't still care about him."

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