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[song recommendation: BLACKPINK – See U Later]

***I haven't slept in over 24 hours so I apologize for any typos and if this chapter sucks!!***

⠀⠀Jungkook was a mess at the moment- internally, that is. His throat was knotted up and he couldn't form any words. The pairs of eyes of Taehyung and his family were all on him as he sat there, paper clenched in hand and mouth open with barely audible breaths coming out.

⠀⠀He felt manipulated, honestly. Taehyung already knew how Jungkook would feel about this; by announcing it in front of his parents, it made it all the more difficult to decline the offer. He didn't want to come off as rude or grateful either.

⠀⠀"So what's your decision, dear?" Mrs. Kim piped up, wine glass in her hand and warm smile on her face.

⠀⠀Panicking on the inside, Jungkook looked to his boyfriend and grabbed his hand. Taehyung rubbed the palm of Jungkook's hand with the pad of his thumb and whispered lowly, "You can be honest, baby. Don't be shy."

⠀⠀Jungkook gulped and set the folded paper down on the table. "I- I don't think I can accept your offer, ma'am. It doesn't feel right," Jungkook said, avoiding their gaze and holding Taehyung's hand tighter.

⠀⠀Slight frown on her face, Mrs. Kim set down her wine glass and asked, "Why not?" Crossing her legs, she added, "I know living away from Taehyung isn't going to be easy, but you can always visit on the weekends. Trust me- I know how it feels. I have to stay at a hotel half the time because I'm too tired to drive back from work."

⠀⠀"I-It's not that," Jungkook answered. Now looking her in the eyes, Jungkook muttered, "It doesn't feel right b-because I only got the scholarship through connections. I'm sure there's tons of hard working and more deserving students, and it wouldn't be fair to them."

⠀⠀"Life's not fair, Jungkook," Mr. Kim chimed in bluntly. "Connections get you places. Fairness doesn't. It's not always about what you know, but rather who you know."

⠀⠀Noticing the discomfort on Jungkook's face, Mrs. Kim remarked, "But you do deserve it, honey. You more than qualify for the scholarship. Your grades and accolades are more than exceptional- don't think you're only receiving it for being my son's boyfriend. I don't have that kind of pull."

⠀⠀"I didn't even apply for it, though," Jungkook argued.

⠀⠀"Well, Taehyung here brought it to my attention," she explained, pointing to her son. His cheeks were a bit red while Jungkook gave him a pointed look. Yeah, he probably wasn't getting sex for another few weeks again.

⠀⠀"He told me about how you lost your scholarship, and I just felt awful. You didn't deserve that," she continued, sympathetic expression on her face. "Being someone who believes in second chances, I told my fellow admissions staff about it, and they wanted to scout you personally, Jungkook. No application was needed. They wanted you!"

⠀⠀"Really?" Jungkook asked in disbelief, cheeks tinting at the flattery.

⠀⠀"Yes! We're not Oprah- we don't just give these scholarships out like they're nothing," she scoffed, wine glass meeting her lips as she took another sip.

⠀⠀As Jungkook bit at his bottom lip and contemplated, Taehyung stood up and crouched down next to him, arm wrapped over Jungkook's shoulders. "Think about it, baby. Their computer science department is a lot better than our school's too. You wouldn't have to worry about work either." Taehyung rasped, attempting to coax him.

⠀⠀"I think I need some fresh air. Give me a minute," Jungkook said, standing up from his seat.

⠀⠀Taehyung's parents nodded as Jungkook threw on his coat. Without Jungkook even having to ask, Taehyung followed right behind him, holding his hand as they walked out the door.

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