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[song recommendation: 2NE1 – Missing You]

⠀⠀A few weeks had passed and September was kicked to the curb with October taking its rightful place. While Taehyung tried his best to talk to Jungkook through texts and inviting him on dates, the latter seemed to keep his distance. He was worried things were moving too fast between himself and Taehyung, and part of Jungkook still wasn't over some things.

⠀⠀Jungkook thought he looked stupid for forgiving Taehyung so easily after all he did to him. Like, he did basically blackmail him and threaten to expose his secret to the entire school- on top of saying some nasty things about him. Sure, Taehyung explained the reasons behind his actions, but it was still a shitty thing to do.

⠀⠀It didn't help that Jungkook more than enjoyed the intimate moment he shared with Taehyung that one night, and that spooked him a bit. You see, after dating Jin and getting his heart thrown in a blender, Jungkook was rubbed wrong by the idea of love. He avoided dating and simply hooked up with a cute guy every now and then. It was just easier this way. But here was Taehyung trying to disrupt that and Jungkook didn't know how to act.

⠀⠀As for Jungkook's personal endeavors with broadcasting, he had run into a little problem. Every week, the site would send him a statistics message that showcased the growth of his channel subscribers, viewership, and tips, and his most recent stats had him worrying. While every week it seemed like his stats were only increasing, he noticed a more than abnormal decrease in viewership.

⠀⠀So here Jungkook was, planted on his living room couch with his best friend to ask for advice. "Go on- spill the tea, sis!" urged Jimin, looking perched for some juicy gossip by the way he was seated on the edge of the couch cushion.

⠀⠀Jungkook gnawed at his bottom lip and fidgeted with the paws of his sweater. "My channel is declining- I looked at my stats for this week and they weren't that great." The freshman pulled his legs up on the couch and sighed, "I don't know what I'm doing wrong. My channel was only increasing before..."

⠀⠀Lips pursed and finger tapping his cheek to contemplate, Jimin gave his two cents. "Hmm- maybe your viewers are getting bored? What do you usually do during a show?"

⠀⠀"Nothing all that special. Just talk to the dirty pervs that watch and either masturbate or finger myself," deadpanned Jungkook.

⠀⠀A snort was let out by Jimin, and he covered his mouth a bit with his hand while Jungkook eyed him. "What?"

⠀⠀"Nothing. It's just funny how nonchalantly you say that, especially compared to how against it you were at first." Trying to get serious, Jimin sat up and pitched some more ideas to explain his best friend's recent decline. "Have you tried checking out your competition on the site? Perhaps there's someone new who's stealing your audience? It isn't hard to get dethroned y'know."

⠀⠀"Yeah, just like when you got dethroned as the cutest gay when I entered high school," snickered Jungkook, receiving a nudge from Jimin in return and an eye roll. "Oh, puh-lease. Someone's gotten a little cocky I see. I guess touching yourself on camera does that."

⠀⠀"Shut up!" squeaked Jungkook, his face redder than the nail polish he had on. Wanting to get back on topic, Jungkook muttered, "I had a feeling that my viewers were getting bored, but I don't really know what to do. If you couldn't tell, I'm not the most sexually driven person. Am I supposed to whip myself or shove twelve inch dildos up my ass??"

⠀⠀A chuckle passed from Jimin's mouth and his eyes crinkled. "You're such a cutie, Jungkook." Jimin gave the back of Jungkook's head a rub. "If your viewers are bored, you just gotta spice things up is all. Use some sex toys on yourself or put on some cute lingerie if they're into that."

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