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[song recommendation: Red Velvet - I Just]

⠀⠀Sounds of moaning consumed the room as Jungkook sat in his bed jerking himself off for his broadcast. Beads of sweat settled on his forehead and his hair was disheveled as his cheeks reddened more with every pump. His panting crescendoed while he jerked himself harder and he whined out, "I'm gonna cúm."

⠀⠀Euphoria setting in and toes curling in ecstasy, Jungkook rode out the high of his orgasm with his load getting all over his torso. Taking a minute to breathe beforehand, Jungkook reached for a cloth to clean himself and sat back in his chair in front of his webcam. Looking at the camera with innocent eyes, he squealed out, "I'm gonna go shower now- I've been a bad boy and I'm all dirty..."

⠀⠀"Thanks for tuning in," he said as his parting words before blowing a kiss to the camera and ending the broadcast.

⠀⠀A sigh fled Jungkook's soft lips. To make a long story short, Jungkook's broadcast was moving a lot slower tonight and he had to result to pleasuring himself to keep his viewers' interest. He was a few days into this cam boy thing now and was getting more comfortable on camera-after tonight, he made more than enough to cover rent for the month. Now he had to mainly worry about basic utilities and bills. If things continued to run smoothly, Jungkook hoped to make enough money to cover his tuition out-of-pocket; he didn't want to rely on student loans for long.

⠀⠀To end his Friday night, Jungkook took a much-needed hot shower and did the whole 'having deep thoughts in the shower' thing. Basically, he kept thinking about what Taehyung said to him the other day. He made Jungkook feel so small and disgusting like he was some lowlife prostitute or something. Jungkook hated how much influence that bastard's words had on him. Also, the last two days had been really uncomfortable over at Taehyung's. There was obvious tension from the other day and awkwardness had made its presence known where the two barely exchanged words. At that point, it was simply business in Jungkook's opinion.

⠀⠀As Jungkook left these thoughts in the bathroom, he dried off and got changed into some pajamas before settling in bed for the night. It was about midnight now and September had officially given August the boot from the year. As expected, Jungkook received a call from Jimin and he knew exactly what it was about.

⠀⠀"H—" Jungkook attempted to answer, but he was cut off and his eardrums were blown out instead.

⠀⠀"Happy birthday, bitch!" squealed out Jimin on the other line. "My baby Kookie is really nineteen now- I can't believe it! You're growing up too fast!"

⠀⠀All smiles, Jungkook giggled and thanked his best friend for the birthday wishes. "You're not even two years older than me, you dipshit."

⠀⠀"This youthful face says otherwise, Kookie. Didn't you hear? Twenty is the new sixteen."

⠀⠀Jungkook snorted a bit at his friend's foolishness. "Sure, that's why people thought you were my lesbian aunt when we went to the movies that one time," the younger deadpanned, riling up the older.

⠀⠀"Fúck you! That's a straight up lie and you know it!" Jimin retorted. "You ain't getting shít for your birthday now!"

⠀⠀Rolling his eyes and unfazed, Jungkook shot back, "Whatever. You probably got me something ridiculous like a sex swing."

⠀⠀"Maybe I did, but I'll need to test it out a few times first to make sure it works," said a shameless Jimin with a click of his tongue. He then changed the topic of conversation. "Are you busy tomorrow- or today, I guess? Because I was thinking I could come over and we could watch some of your favorite movies while I make you a cake."

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