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[song recommendation: TWICE - Melting]

⠀⠀Lying in his bed with a smile plastered on his face, Taehyung was beyond happy. For the most part, he felt his date with Jungkook went smoother than it could've and he didn't fúck things up, or at least he thought. With Jungkook coming back into his life, he had to face his problems from the past and he hated that at first.

⠀⠀He wasn't sure why it was so hard for him to tell Jungkook the specifics behind his falling out with Jin. Perhaps he was scared of judgement or Jungkook taking Jin's side on things. Also, it surprised Taehyung how Jungkook couldn't figure out the reason behind it. The boy truly was naïve back then—hell, he still could be. He still maintained that cute and innocent aura from back then that Taehyung loved. Well, except for during his broadcasts where he transformed into a total thot. Jungkook played it up well for the camera, that was for sure.

⠀⠀Speaking of Jungkook's broadcast, Taehyung received a notification that BunnyBoy97 had just went live. For some reason, Taehyung found himself always tuning into Jungkook's broadcasts. At first, he convinced himself it was to prevent this DaddyV persona from seeming fraudulent, but it was obviously more than that. It was an excuse for Taehyung to talk to Jungkook and he hated admitting it.

⠀⠀Taehyung fetched his laptop out of his backpack and tuned into Jungkook's show just in time. A soft coo slipped from his lips as he graced his eyes upon Jungkook with a bunny ears headband on uttering innocent sentences into the camera. This contrasted with the fact that he was only in his briefs and showing off his nice body. Taehyung wasn't sure whether he found this cute or sexy.

⠀⠀Before Taehyung could get a word in, the chat flowed with comments and tips. Jealously pooled in the pit of Taehyung's stomach as he read the comments.

Maxxx1983: you look so cute baby! 😍🐰

9inchboy: what it'd give to have those sweet lips around my cock...

WhosYourDaddy69: show us your ass!! 😛

⠀⠀"They're probably all a bunch of old pervs anyway," he snarled before tipping Jungkook a hefty amount to catch his attention. Money may have not bought people's love, but it did buy their time.

⠀⠀"Aww- thanks for the tip, daddy," said Jungkook with fluttering eyelashes. "You're one of my favorite viewers. You never miss a show."

⠀⠀A smirk found its way on Taehyung's lips as he began typing away carelessly. Sometimes he felt like a coward hiding behind this anonymous account, but Taehyung just wasn't ready to reveal certain things to Jungkook. He often wondered what would happen if Jungkook found out this was his account. Unlike Jungkook himself, the reaction likely wouldn't have been pretty, but he tried to brush this thought off for the most part. He couldn't find out- no, he wouldn't.

~ ~

⠀⠀As promised, the following day Jungkook came over to help Taehyung with his calculus homework. Would Jungkook have preferred spending his afternoon doing something else? Of course, but this was better than outright having to do Taehyung's homework for him.

⠀⠀ "Thanks again for agreeing to tutor me. That Mrs. Smith can be a real bitch," said Taehyung, placing his arm over Jungkook's shoulders as they walked to his kitchen table.

⠀⠀"Mhmm," hummed the younger in response before shrugging Taehyung's arm off himself. "Don't get too comfortable with the touching."

⠀⠀Well, Taehyung never minded a challenge. "Feisty," he retorted to only receive an eye roll in return. Damn, their dynamic was so confusing.

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