Ladrien: Comfort

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(Another scenario for Marinette's nightmares; set in their university years.)

She hated them.

And she hated that he knew about them too.

They were the nightmares of past Akumas defeating her, causing her to let Paris down. She knows they're all not real, but she can't help but wonder if she could actually let Paris down, especially since the Parisian citizens put so much faith into her and her partner.

She currently roamed the rooftops in her superhero persona, Ladybug. She had recently woken up from a nightmare only about ten minutes before and decided a quick patrol would be a good way to calm herself down.

It...did not quite go as planned...

Instead of calming herself down, Ladybug only further reminded herself of the nightmare, which was particularly one of her worst ones yet. She had never had this kind of nightmare before, and it killed her mentally just thinking about it.

She was forced to watch herself, an Akumatized version of herself, approach her partner and force him into a battle with her. She hurt him greatly, and only woke up when she was about the strike the final blow.

Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her nightmare scared her, especially because Hawkmoth could make her do that.

She managed to stumble her way to Adrien's house, seeing him up late working on his computer. She sniffled, latching her yo-yo above so that she could hang in front of his window. Quickly knocking, she let her head hang low as she patiently waited for him to answer.

Luckily, he had heard her and opened the window, gasping when he saw shimmering tears roll down his lady's cheeks. "C'mere Bugaboo," he cooed, grabbing her hand that wasn't holding onto her yo-yo. "Just let out your tears."

She sniffled again, landing on the floor of his bedroom and pulling her yo-yo towards herself, placing it around her waist again before burying herself in his embrace. She sobbed into his shoulder, her arms wrapped tightly around his torso.

He gently stroked the back of her head, shutting the window before picking her up and carrying her over to the couch. He sat down with her in his lap and cooed softly to her, hoping he could make his lady stop crying.


They stayed like that for a good hour or so. It took a while for Marinette to calm down and she had released her transformation to let Tikki go recharge for when Marinette had to return home.

Adrien definitely didn't care how long it took for Marinette to calm down. Ever since he found out about her nightmares, he'd make sure to ask her how her sleep was and made sure to fully listen to her when she wanted to explain her nightmares to him. "What...What was this one about, Bugaboo?" He asked cautiously after she calmed down a bit.

"I don't want to talk about." She said quickly, her tone quite blank and without emotion, which quickly worried him.

"M'lady, please...I need to know."

"No, Adrien..."

He sighed. This wasn't going anywhere...He picked her up again, walking over to his desk chair and sitting down with her in his lap. If she wasn't going to tell him anything for a while, he might as well get some work done.

She stayed curled up in his lap, her eyes fluttering close at times but she quickly shook her head to keep herself awake.

"M' can sleep if you need to.."

"No. ..I don't want her to come back."

"'Her'? Who's 'her'?" He asked, placing a hand under her chin to force her to look at him.

She blinked as she realized her mistake. "No one! It's worries...!" She lied quickly as she tried to cover up what she said.

"Nice try Buginette. You aren't fooling me. What's wrong? What happened in your nightmare?" He held her tightly.

She would escape if he hadn't had his arms around her, she felt terrible just thinking about her nightmare. She took a deep breath as she started to explain it to him...

•The Nightmare•

"Huh..?" I opened my eyes while laying on my back in the middle of a clearing in a forest. Strange. None of my dreams or nightmares start like this, so it's hard to tell what this is.

I sat up, looking around and just seeing trees. Shrugging, I get up and start walking around, at least I could explore a bit.

After a bit of walking, I came to the edge of the forest. The forest ended on a hill that steeped down to a valley below, which was a really pretty scenery.

Not until I heard evil laughing.

The laugh indicated that it was female, that was a definite, but it sounded so familiar. Where have I heard it before?

I look down and realize the answer.

It was an akumatized version! Fighting my own partner!

My eyes widened and I tried to move forward to help him, but I was blocked by an invisible wall. I tried moving back so I didn't have to watch, but my feet were stuck in place. I was forced to watch this...

I felt like screaming, but as soon as I tried to, it didn't work. Speaking in generally stopped working. It was like I had gone mute all of a sudden for no reason.

I watch as the evil version of me launches her first attack of Chat, which he quickly dodged, thank goodness. But I didn't realize how hard she'd fight back...

She swung her yo-yo at him again and again and again. Never quitting. Chat was beginning to lose energy and stamina, and I was starting to get worried.

I didn't know if Chat was able to pull through this...

The battle lasted on for a couple more minutes before the Akuma was able to pin him to the ground, flicking Chat's ring off his finger, causing him to detransform back into his civilian form.

"No, no, no!" I whispered, eyes widening in fear and emotional pain.

I'm forced to watch as Adrien tried to get up and fight back for his ring, but he stumbles and falls from his injuries. He doesn't move after that; he doesn't even twitch!! I feared the worst and knew the worst. And I refused to admit it.

I could never see that happening...

•End of Nightmare•

"Oh, m'lady..." Adrien said sadly as he watched Marinette sob softly into his chest. He stroked the back of her head and cooed words of comfort into her ear.

"It's so...stupid!! Why would I dream of something like that?!" Marinette cried.

"It's because you're scared that's going to happen. And it never will. I won't allow it."

"B—But what if it does happen...?"

"See, it's something you fear. It won't happen, I promise." He said gently, cupping her cheek.


"Of course, I promise. I could never let that happen to you!"

She sniffled, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face into his neck.

"Thank you, Adrien."

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