chapter one: in which keefe is actually reading

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Mallowmelt seemed to be the only thing that got Sophie out of bed because the plush pillows and silky smooth blankets could bring her back to dreamland any day.

Nevertheless, she pulled on her Foxfire level seven uniform, having finally made it to the towers. Of course, she already had classes in the silver towers but she was moving into the gold towers, the first of the two towers.

She wasn't happy but wasn't sad about having to move out. She would miss Edaline and Grady kissing her goodnight, helping out with the wide variety of exotic animals in the fields, and all the sweet treats Edaline baked.

But, Sophie needed to let go of her parents, she shouldn't be always depending on them. And moving into the towers seemed to be the first step.

Clasping on the Ruewen pen for her cape to be hung snugly on her shoulders, Sophie smoothed out her uniform. She's never been quite comfortable being "her", always scratching on her skin, feet pulling on her socks and pulling out her eyelashes, a nervous habit she couldn't end.

Sophie shook herself from her thoughts, the dizzy feeling seeming to make her forget about what she was thinking about.

Making her way downstairs, Sophie made sure to go down slowly and carefully, not wanting to trip down the stairs. Trust her, it wasn't the best experience.

Downstairs, Edaline seemed to be finishing up cooking something, Grady nowhere in sight. Sophie's adoptive father had told her he needed to go to Atlantis early to pick something up, so he'd miss her when she went to Foxfire. Though, he did say goodbye to her the night before it wasn't quite the same.

"How are you feeling, dear? About the whole moving into the towers thing?" Edaline asked, setting some sort of Elvin food onto to table. Sophie took a seat where the meal was placed, thanking Edaline in the process.

"Well considering the only reason I woke up was because I smelt mallowmelt, I seem to be doing pretty a-okay," Sophie answered, taking a bit of the weird tubes. It tastes strangely of eggs and bacon but she wasn't complaining.

"Ah, come on! The towers are where your best experiences will be, trust me." Edaline countered and Sophie didn't argue because she needed some good experiences in her life.

The war with the Neverseen, Lady Gisela and Vespera were over, but it took a toll on everyone. The councilors seemed to make it seem like nothing happened, everyone was happy and safe. But, no one seemed to play along.

Who would play along? So many lives had been lost, buildings were destroyed, people were tortured and scarred for life. That wasn't something to just forget.

Still, Sophie tried to see the good in everything. She had taken a couple of months to herself, not letting any of her friends come and check up on her. She simply sat under Calla's tree and watched Grady do his work. Sometimes she'd hang around gnomes and help Edaline in the kitchen.

This would be the first time she'd see her friends since the war ended, she seemed to lock everyone out. She hadn't even seen Alden and Della and they were like a second family to her.

Sophie's friends would be surely scared the living hell that Sophie seemed to disappear, Keefe and Biana would make a great deal out of it while Tam, Fitz, and Dex would simply try to seem like everything was normal. Linh and Marella would ask if she was okay and that would be about it.

But it kinda angered Sophie, how they all treated her like she was porcelain, if you were too hard on her she'd crack. Sophie was tough, she played the role of savior, the role of moonlark. She fulfilled what she had been made to do, and didn't crack. She was alright but her friends seemed to not see that.

my first and last love || sokeefe (slowly editting)Where stories live. Discover now