chapter ten: in which tam gets tired of sophie's complaining

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Over the past few weeks, Sophie has made it her job to annoy Tam as much as possible. When it came to these bets, one of the rules was that they could have communication with the person they had made the bet with (Sophie had put the rule in place because she wanted Tam beside her while she did whatever crazy thing he requested).

There came a point where Tam had asked Dex to shut off his imparter because Sophie was hailing him all the time.

She had stopped by Havenfield once and told Grady and Edaline about her situation. She hadn't told them about Keefe yet but she knew that they knew. Edaline had offered to sneak Keefe over so she could see him and Grady even offered to bring the boy over one the excuse that Grady needed Keefe for work.

Sophie appreciated the thought but a bet is a bet and she won't go against her friend's word.

Though she can't help but admit that she feels a bit lonely. At least every day she'll get some sort of hail from Keefe. She eventually threw her imparter in her closet, only using it to bug Tam.

She wonders what Keefe was doing when she and Tam were having their bet. She knew Keefe would have come unless something unexpected had come up.

Sophie hopes his father hadn't done anything to Keefe.


Keefe wasn't stupid. Biana had stopped by Keefe's dorm to tell him that Sophie wasn't feeling good and needed some space. He could spot the lie from a mile away and the fact that he could feel anxious and guilty vibes off Biana wasn't helping either.

Still, he just waved Biana away and sulked in his dorm.

He cursed his father about every single day that he didn't see Sophie. Why did his father always show up at the worst of times?

Keefe had decided to occupy himself by painting. Within the span of a few weeks, he was able to get out at least 2 paintings. He wore a smug smile the entire time.

That's right father, I'm painting, I'm doing art? What are you gonna do about it? Nothing, that's right.

His paintings may or may not have been of Sophie but he doesn't talk about that.


After about three weeks, Tam has had enough. The amount of hails he's gotten from Sophie has quite literally made him go insane.

He marched up to Keefe's dorm, slamming the door open to find Keefe painting... a rather crude image of Tam.

"Oh, Tam! Just the person I didn't want to see." Keefe says as he quickly finds a way to hide his painting. He eventually just grabs a sheet from Fitz's bed and calls it a day.

"Nice painting." Tam rolls his eyes, Keefe chuckling.

"Yeah, I really wanted to embody that devil inside of you." Keefe grins, Tam rolling his eyes again.

He feels like he's going to be rolling his eyes a lot during this conversation.

"Let's skip the pleasantries. Your girlfriend is driving me absolutely insane-"

"Driving you insane? Here I thought you had a thing for Biana. I mean you can like Foster but I'll have you know, I won't give her up without a fight-"

"-You are really annoying you know that right?" Tam finishes, Keefe shrugging his shoulders.

"I try."

"Anyways, I'm ending this stupid bet. I'll have you know that Sophie has been blowing up my imparter with hails-"

"As she should."

"-So we'll have another bet so I can end my suffering," Tam pauses before he comments, "You really like interrupting me don't you?"

Keefe's not listening, putting his things away as he grabs his cloak and boots.

"I really do! Now goodbye Tammy boy, I'll see you hopefully never!" Keefe shouts as he exits his own room, heading to Sophie's.


Sophie's working on homework when Keefe barges into her room, a huge grin on his face.

"You really are a gem, aren't you? Annoyed Tam to death, he got so tired of it he let go of the bet." Keefe praised, leaning against Linh's desk as he clutched his heart melodramatically.

"Keefe! Wow, it's really good to see you. How are you? What have you been doing? Oh, um let me pull a chair out, um, let's see-"

"Hey, Foster, calm down a bit," Keefe puts a hand on Sophie's, making her stop in her tracks. "Let's just sit down and I dunno, talk or you can finish your homework or whatever you wanna do."

Sophie glances over at her homework, "My work can wait, I just wanna be with you."

Keefe laughs, bringing Sophie into a hug. Sophie's holding onto Keefe's shirt, never wanting to let go. She had gone weeks without seeing Keefe but now that they've established these feelings and have become an us, it felt more... painful?

"Would it be okay if I kissed you?" Keefe's voice was soft and gentle, ice blue eyes staring down at Sophie's smoky brown ones.


"Are you really asking me why I want to kiss you?" Keefe quirked an eyebrow, Sophie grinning.

"Yeah, I'd like a thesis on why you want to kiss me. Due tomorrow!" Sophie teased, Keefe rolling his eyes.

"I just like kissing you dummy," Keefe said as he pulled Sophie in, their two lips connecting. Sophie sighs, tasting the familiar taste of mint and strawberries.

"I really like you, you know." Keefe whispers, Sophie looking up at him. She's got beautiful eyes, those beautiful eyes being the first thing he had saw when he had turned the hall during his third level.

"Oh my god, I just remembered." Sophie gasped, pulling out of Keefe's embrace to sit back down at her desk.

"Really making the moment so emotional Foster."

"Oh shut up. Anyways, Tam faked out on the bet so that means we have to do another one! Keefe this means we can get our... revenge." Keefe listens to Sophie rant on about games they could possibly play, going over strategy and evil ways to torment Tam.

He listens to it all.

God how much I'd like to tell you I love you. 

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