chapter five: in which sophie's anxious, again.

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A month has passed, Sophie anxiously waiting for the day when her scroll would arrive. The moment she hears for Edaline calling her downstairs, Sophie is on her feat, heading down the stairs in anxiousness in excitement.

A plan scroll tied with a silk gold ribbon and red seal is placed atop Edaline's hand, a sweet excited smile on the woman's face. She says nothing as Sophie grabs the scroll from her adoptive mother, carefully undoing the ribbon and pealing off the seal with her nails.

Unfolding her scroll, Sophie scans through her list for anyone she might know. At 83 Jensi Babblos, Sophie's scrunching her nose at imagining what that pairing would look like. She goes on with the list, spotting out students in her classes before she reaches the five possible matches for herself.

Now this would be interesting.

Possible Matches for Sophie Elizabeth Foster:

5. Dorian Masters

4. Fitzroy Vacker

3. Salem Lecrox

2. Tam Song

1. Keefe Sencen

Sophie paused and reread her second match over and over again, trying to make sense of why the matchmakers would think Tam and Sophie would be a good pair together. Tam already had his sights on the lovely Biana Vacker and the two thought of each other as family. Partners in crime that certainly were nothing than platonic.

Sophie merely glances at Keefe's, not wanting to believe that the blond was her match.

It wasn't that Sophie had anything against Keefe, she loved the boy, truly did. The two worked so good together but it was the fact that they worked too good together. She didn't want to accept that the matchmakers knew what they were doing. She didn't want to accept that she liked Keefe. She didn't want to accept the possibility she might be in a relationship.

She didn't know if she wanted to be in a relationship.

Relationships scared Sophie. Being to put yourself before them without a doubt in your mind scared her. She saw a relationship as it blinding your ideals. Blinding the defenses you made for your 'love of your life' to tear it all down.

Whisking herself out of her thoughts, she looks up and notices the worried expression on Edaline's face, Sophie promising that nothing was up with her.

She heads upstairs, whispering "Biana" into her imparter.

Biana sits on her bed, the biggest smile on her face as she begins to jump up and down, squeals erupting from her lips. Sophie hears the distance shout of Fitz yelling for the girl to shut up.

"I got my scroll! Please tell me you got yours. Oh god, I don't think I could wait for yours to come to open mine. I'm just so excited!" Biana shouts, Sophie giggling along with her.

"I got mine B and I know your opened yours the second you got it." Sophie raises her brow at Biana, the girl giving a sly smile.

"How'd you guess." Biana laughs, showing her opened scroll.

"Whose your first match?" Sophie can't help but ask, sparkles appearing into Biana's eyes.

"Tam Song and I know what I said about him earlier, but I'm gonna crack that boy open to see his true, maybe loving, self!" Biana has a confident smile on her face as she jumps on her bed some more to put emphasis on her excitement.

"Really? Tam Song also happens to be my second match, but I think the only reason we're paired is because of family status." Sophie informs, Biana nodding.

my first and last love || sokeefe (slowly editting)Where stories live. Discover now