Chapter Sixteen: In which Sophie's day turns from "Yay!" To "Nay!"

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Sophie Foster

          Sophie found herself staring at the wall, while Vertina did her hair. Today, the night of the ball, she had decided to finally listen to the spectral mirror. She had already put on her dress, heels, and makeup-which was a natural look-, just waiting for Vertina to finish. "You have so many knots!" Vertina shirked. Sophie rolled her eyes as Vertina pulled a brush through her hair. She had been trying to get out some big knot for the past hour, not succeeding...yet. "Finally! Now, I can get working!" Vertina cried. Sophie's lips tugged into a smile, happy that she wouldn't have to suffer much longer. She was never one for dressing up and being all girly.

Vertina put a ruby hairpin into Sophie's hair, completing the look. Twirling in her dress, Sophie decided that she looked amazing. "Thank you, Vertina." Sophie said.

"I know, you could have never done this without me." the mirror scoffed

"I'll put you back in the closet!" Sophie warned

"Oh! Not the closet! I can't be surrounded by poor fashion choices." Vertina gasped

Sophie ignored her, getting out of there mirror's view. She smoothed her dress, took a deep breath, and headed downstairs. Sophie found Keefe waiting in the living room with a smiling Edaline and a slightly frowned Grady.  "How long has he been waiting? I could have been down here sooner." Sophie gave a questioning look to her mom. "Oh, we just wanted to have small talk with Keefe. Nothing more." Edaline smiled, taking Grady's hand. "Yes, we wanted to have small talk with him." Grady chimed in, a smile evident on his face. Sophie tilted her head in confusion but it quickly faded away when Keefe took her hand. "Ready Foster?" Keefe asked, a grin on his lips. Sophie nodded, smiling. "Have a good time." Grady called.

"Sooooo, what did my parent want to 'talk about'?" Sophie asked, air-quoting the last two words. She doubted her mom and dad wanted to have some small talk with Keefe, her boyfriend.But, she also wanted to ask because he wanted to see what he was wearing. A nice collared shirt was tucked in, with suspenders. A blazer was fitted nicely with him, as well as the slacks and shoes he wore. "Nothing much. They were happy that there 'little girl' found someone nice. Grady's protective state even disappeared. Which means....they approve!" Keefe beamed at Sophie. Grady had been trying to find ways to dislike Keefe, but in the end he approved her boyfriend. Sophie couldn't imagine her day getting any better. Keefe pulled out his pathfinder, turing the crystal to find the correct faucet. When he finally had, he created a beam of light, whisking the couple away to Foxfire.

Foxfire seemed to transform into an elegant palace when they arrived. Sliver and white decorations where all around the school. Lights pointing to the auditorium, where a huge banner in loopy writing spelt out, "Foxfire's grand winter ball!" Sophie titled her head in confusion to winter, then she smiled when she was reminded of the cold weather they had been getting. "We going in or admiring the decorations?" Keefe joked, hooking his arm with Sophie's. "Who knows, admiring the decorations might be funner than seeing me attempt to dance." Sophie said, imaging her tripping across the dance floor. "Too bad, were going in!" Keefe pulled her into the auditorium, making her trip over herself several times.

The auditorium seemed to be the grand event. With decorations put from the ceiling to the floor, everything had been made to look fancy and elegant. People were dancing, eating, laughing, and....making out?. Yeah, Sophie definitely shook that out of her mind. I mean besides the sharing of each other's salvia in the corners, everything looked peppy and cheery.  "Sophie!" turing around from the fanciness she saw Biana with Tam. Sophie smiled, thinking about how much in love the two were. How they looked at each other with smiles on there faces. Sophie turned her head to Keefe, who gave a heartwarming smile to her. She then remembered. She had someone like that. Someone who gave her love and warmth. Someone who cared about her. Someone who was totally and completely in love with you. Sophie turned her head back to Biana, "Biana! You look absolutely beautiful." Sophie was completely right. Biana had a purple strapless dress, her hair curled. Her eyes seemed to twinkle in the room, making them stand out. Her hair was a glossy as ever, and her makeup was applied perfectly. Everything about what Biana was wearing today screamed, 'I'm more beautiful than you and you can't deny it!'. And Sophie couldn't find herself to deny it. Tam was wearing a nice black suit, that seemed to bring out his eyes. Since his figure mostly consisted of black and white, plus sliver. The pale blue in his eyes, was a nice compliment.

"Looking nice Tam." Sophie complimented, grinning at him.

"Shouldn't you be complimenting your boyfriend?" Tam asked, an amused look on his face.

Sophie's grin seemed to widened. "I'd like to say, Keefe looks nice everyday." Tam rolled his eyes at the cheesy words, intertwining his fingers with Biana's.

"Well we better get going Tam." Biana chimed in. Sophie could tell she was itching to dance with him on the dance floor. Most likely, to show him off.

"I guess we should get going. See you guys later." Tam waved, the couple disappearing. Sophie smiled at Keefe, squeezing his hand. Keefe smiled his heartwarming smile of his, leading Sophie to the dance floor herself. "Keefe," Sophie started, stopping. She was inches to the floor, not taking the steps onto the crystal floor. "You know I can't dance." Keefe shrugged. "We skip this song, but the next one were dancing. Don't worry," Keefe waved his hands-something he did to show how bursting Sophie's emotions were-. "I'll lead. I guess, dancing lessons in detention will have paid off?" Sophie giggled, as they made there way to the refreshments table. There she found Linh and Fitz laughing over something. "I didn't know you asked her out, Fitz," Sophie asked, pulling Keefe over to them. "I thought we were cognates!" Fitz put his hands in surrender. "I had asked her out a week ago." Sophie shot a wink at Linh who gave her one, for herself. Mostly everyone knew about Linh and Fitz's massive crushes on each other. It was the point of, they were too oblivious to everyone telling them, the other liked each other. "And about a few days ago we were visiting my parents." she wagged her finger in his face. "I dunno, wouldn't your parents think it's creepy for you and Fitzy to stare into each other's eyes, at the most random time." Keefe jumped in, a grin on his face. Sophie rolled her eyes, not admitting he was right. Fitz grinned at Keefe, thanking him silently for the help.

"Song's done!" Keefe called, dragging her to the dance floor. "Even better it's a slow song! You can't possibly trip over that!" Sophie rolled her eyes. Obviously he didn't know that she tripped over herself. She probably would need an Elwin visit by the time they finish dancing, or midway. Still, Sophie followed Keefe. He placed his hands on her waist. She placing her's around his neck. The soft melody seemed to calm Sophie down, finding herself swaying with the song. Keefe lead Sophie, making slow steps to make sure she wouldn't trip. Soon, she found herself not needing Keefe's directions, naturally knowing what to do next. She leaned into his chest, listing to his heartbeat. The moment was perfect, nothing to ruin this at all.

"Dex is missing!" someone shouted. Sophie pulled herself from Keefe, trying to see who had made the sudden announcement. She spotted Biana's teal eyes, rushing to her side. "What? How? When?" questions seemed to escape her mouth as tears slid down her cheeks. "The Neverseen are back." Biana whispered the impossible. The Neverseen were gone. Sophie had seen it happen. Watched the moment, her smiling with tears of joy escaping her. "Why?" Sophie asked. Biana steadied her breathing for a bit before replying, "They want him because he seems to be the only technopath to open the cashes."

Sophie took a sigh, a groan, a moan. It had been so silent the past year, she had gone back to school. Nobody had disappeared, the Neverseen haven't appeared. But now, they decided to come back. Taking her best friend in the process. She slammed the door open, screaming her lungs out. She hated having to risk her life over some group who wanted to ruin the world. She hated having her childhood ruined by the tragedy. She hated having to loose the people she loved most, disappear. Or worst, die.

She just wanted to be Sophie Foster, a normal girl. But then again, nothing is ever normal for her. And she had once said, "what's life without alittle risk? She'd clearly shown it almost all her life."

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