chapter four: where everyone is tired from filling out their matchmaking packet

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*an extra chapter is being made into the making to showcase some of Sophie and Keefe's responses to their matchmaking packet questions*

it's been a week since Sophie got her matchmaking packet and all she can think is, "when do the questions end???". She's barely even a halfway through the packet and she feels like she's going to have a mental breakdown.

With the stress of classes and having to fill the packet out, Sophie just wants to cuddle up into her blankets and eat mallowmelt.

Though someone is stopping her from doing that... someone who has ice blue eyes and a grin that never seems to fade.

"Foster, you think if I just put your name down for every question they get a hint put you down as my number one match?" Keefe says, throwing his pencil somewhere in Sophie's dorm.

Yes, that's right, in Sophie's dorm. She has yet to find out how Keefe gets into her dorm, but she has a feeling she won't find out.

"Oh yeah, because that's definitely answering all the questions honestly." Sophie rolls her eyes at Keefe's antics, levitating the boy's pencil over to the desk space they are sharing.

"I am answering all the questions honestly. What's my favorite color? Foster." Keefe teases, Sophie just shaking her head and going back to her packet.

Though she couldn't help but hope that Keefe was somewhere on her list. And she couldn't help the tiny blush creeping onto her cheeks.

And she definitely couldn't help being so close to Keefe as the Sencen boy notices that blush.
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What do you look for in a partner? Would you still love someone if they betrayed you? What if someone had a not to good past, would that make you scared of them? If they had a dangerous talent, would you stay with them? What if they didn't come from a good family or that family didn't have a good reputation, would that change if you would be together with them?

These are the hard questions. The questions that get you thinking and even if you answer yes or no, your view can still be considered as stupid or questionable. Keefe had let Sophie know a while ago that he was on those hard questions but as Sophie glances at the blond, he seems to be at no struggle. Answering the questions with no hesitance.

Sophie looks at the first question. Would you still love someone if they betrayed you?

Would she?

Her mind goes to Keefe. When he joined the Neverseen and Sophie still trusted him. When he left with no explanation of where he was going, she still trusted him. Every horrible and twisted thing that Keefe did, Sophie still trusted him, believed in him.

She thinks the answer is supposed to be no. But she wants to say yes. Explain that if you love each other so much, even if the other isn't picking the right decision, you should still trust them because that's what love's about. Trusting one another. You should trust they won't hurt you, that they won't do those horrible twisted things.

Trust that they will come back.

Sophie smiles, a soft smile, picking up her pencil and answering the first question.

Even if it's not the right answer, it's her packet, her experience, so even if her matches weren't what she liked, at least she answered honestly.

authors note

this is one of the very few extra chapters!!! There little fillers and tadbits I wanted to put in the book but never got to doing.

my first and last love || sokeefe (slowly editting)Where stories live. Discover now