chapter three: where sophie really wants to kiss keefe

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Weeks seemed to go by in a flash as she finds herself being led by Biana to pick up her matchmaking packet. Keefe's got an arm around her waist to "keep her from running" but she knows that Keefe finds this pleasing to himself.

The matchmaker's office is in Atlantis, Sophie looking around to see rather well-dressed elves shopping or taking their children out to have some fun. She wished she was one of those elves. Hanging out in Atlantis instead of getting her stupid packet that's like five hundred pounds.

"Come on Soph, it won't be that bad. All we do is get the packet, fill it out, wait a bit, and then, boom! We get our matches, doesn't that sound... excellent?!" Biana says for the millionth time today. All Sophie does is agree with Biana because anything that involves romance is the Vacker girl's business.

"Sounds great." Sophie smiles through the words, Keefe chuckling at Biana's antics.

They soon arrive at the office, Biana pushing through her group to be at the front. A lady with long petal pink hair sits at the counter, her light blue eyes radiating with warmness. Sophie looks for a nametag, seeing that her name is Jaejin Strode.

"May I get your names please?" Jaejin asks as she straightens out her petal dress. Sophie guesses that Jaejin likes the color pink.

"Yes, Biana and Fitz Vacker plus Linh and Tam Song. Over there, Dex Dizznee, Sophie Foster and Keefe Sencen." Biana tells Jaejin, the other typing their names into her computer. She stands up to excuse herself, coming back about ten minutes later with packets for each of them.

Fitz and Biana's are thicker than a usual packet but Jaejin says it's because their a Vacker. Then Linh and Tam receive their's which is, even more, thicker than the Vacker's, Jaein explaining because of their trip to Exillium. Dex's is thicker than the Vacker's but less than the Song's, Jaejin explaining because of his parents.

Keefe and Sophie's are the biggest.

Jaejin pulls the two to the front, not sure if they want their friends to hear their explanations for the size of the pairs packets.

Sophie's is because of her unknown birth parents, amount of abilities and just because she happens to be the moonlark. Cause she's Sophie Elizabeth Foster, the savior of the world and the council only wanted the best matches for her (though Jaejin told her that they weren't going to listen to the council and give her someone as broken as her if that's what the match needed. She looked at Keefe as she said those words to her).

Keefe's is thick because of his involvement with the Neverseen and his parents. Because he's the broken boy that joined the Neverseen he had to get these questions that look like they're necessary to getting your match when their not. Their just questions being disguised so it wouldn't look like their trying to pry.

When they leave the office Biana loudly complains about how big her packet is and how long she has to wait to get her scroll, "A month?! I can't wait a month! I saved the world, I should get my time cut in half!"

Dex rolls his eyes at her and tells her to be patient which has Biana go into some rant. They all stand in the middle of Atlantis where the statue of Linh, Keefe, and her is. Sophie thought the statue was stupid but Keefe was absolutely delighted to hear that something was going to be made in his honor.

Dex leaves off with Biana and Fitz, leaving the Song twins and Keefe with Sophie. Tam sticks around for a bit as Keefe and Linh leap away to "work on some music".

"Stupid that because you have certain issues they make the packet thicker. I feel like this is just a book dedicated to my mommy and daddy issues." Tam comments, Sophie snickering.

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