Chapter Eighteen: In which Keefe watches a movie for the first time

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Sophie Foster
Sophie sat in her bed, giving up. Broken pencils, ripped papers, spyball, and imparter were scattered around her bed and floor. Ever since she found out her best friend, Dex Dizznee was missing, she jumped right back into the action. She and her friends have been left and right in meetings for the Black Swan. Right now, Sophie was resting from trying to solve a kidnapping.

Soft knocks came from the door, Sophie's head peeking up in interest. "Come in." She called, not knowing who it was. She hadn't invited anyone today, most of her friends busy. "Hey Foster." Sophie smiled when she saw her blue eyed boyfriend. "Hey Keefe." Sophie replied. Her eyes widened by the state of her bedroom. Sophie scrambled out of her bed, picking up her stuff. Setting papers on her desk, broken pencils in he trash, spyball in the drawer and her imparter on the night stand.

Keefe looked at her amusingly as she twirled her hair. "Just wanted to check up on you. You weren't picking up my calls." Keefe stated, his brows frowned in concern. "It's been a rough couple of days." Sophie replied, willing herself not to pull a loose eyelash. Keefe stepped closer, his expression softening. "Last time you said that...I well," He looked down at his feet. "You joined the Neverseen," Sophie finished, leaning her head on his chest. "I'm just stressed." Keefe held Sophie in a tight embrace. She immediately melted in the hug, just needing someone to hold onto.

Sophie found herself snuggled up against Keefe on the couch. She had just let off all her stress to Keefe, who was a great listener. An idea then popped into her head. It wouldn't save Dex, of course, but it would make her more calm. "Hey Keefe, how about we watch a movie." Sophie suggested, hopping he would agree.

"Aren't those the things humans do? Watch a screen?" Keefe asked, tilting his head to the side

"Yep," Sophie said, popping the 'p'. "So, how about it?"

"Sure." Keefe replied.
Sophie rushed to her room, pulling out DVDs and a DVD player. Heading down stairs, she found Keefe in the kitchen, getting some custard bursts. Sophie smiled, connecting the DVD player to the wall. She had, had Dex install some cables and wires for her.

Successfully installing the DVD player, Sophie hopped onto the couch, where Keefe sat, custard bursts in hand. "Which one would you want to watch? These are all my favorites, so you can pick whatever." Sophie informed, handing him the stack of DVDs. She grabbed the pastries from him, taking a bite into the sweet treat.

Leaning on Keefe's shoulder, Sophie smiled. Right now she didn't have to worry so much. Right now she didn't have to worry about Dex. Right now, she was with Keefe and Keefe was with her.

+Author's Note+
Okay. Filler chapter. I really needed to put Sophie dealing with the stress. And some Sokeefe stuff before we get into serious finding and solving Dex's kidnapping

my first and last love || sokeefe (slowly editting)Where stories live. Discover now