chapter eight: an amazing date

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Sophie's surprised to find herself at Foxfire. She didn't strike this as a date location but stuffed the questions away as Keefe led her throughout the campus. They started to reach an unfamiliar part of the campus, Sophie's eyes darting around to take in the new scenery. She had thought she had explored every bit of Foxfire, but with Keefe leading her to this unfamiliar scenery sure opened up more exploration time (sometimes she just didn't want to do elvin history).

Keefe stops, Sophie dragging herself out of her thoughts to get a good take in of where Keefe had set the location of their little date.

The whole place was covered with vines and long thin trees, the branches long and thin as well. With the amount of trees in the place, sun barely reached into the little area, small spots of sun spilling out to create this relaxing and mellow vibe. Looking down, Sophie spots several purple and blue flowers sprouting out of the concrete, almost every crack in the cement dotted with the flowers.

The whole area gave off an ancient ruins vibe, the whole place crumbling, being run over with plants.

"What is this place?" Sophie finally voices out one of the many questions in her head, Keefe chuckling a bit.

"I found it during Level Six. I was having a particularly rough day and just kinda ran to get away from everything and soon I found myself here. From there on I started to come her whenever I was having a rough time and needed some time to myself," Keefe pauses for a bit, trying to rack anymore information from his head. "Oh yeah! Apparently it's an old part of the campus but they never bothered to take it down because of it's history? I dunno."

Sophie smiles a bit, humming to herself as she goes to explore, Keefe's lips turning into a loving smile as he watches the blonde explore the area.

After a while, Sophie turns to see Keefe just standing there, his eyes crinkled, making a smile of the sorts. Sophie gives a smile, Keefe seeming to poke out of his thoughts the both of them laughing.

It's the little moments like this that make the both of them smile.

"Come on Foster, that's enough exploring. I'm sure your gonna find something I haven't if you continue at it." Sophie laughs as she walks over to Keefe, trying to avoid the flowers. She thought they were quite beautiful really, didn't want to mush them up with her boots.

"So, what does the great Keefe Sencen have planned?" Sophie teases, Keefe laughing a bit.

They were sure full of laughs.

"Actually I thought It'd be nice if we just painted. Relaxing enough and I'm sure smearing paint onto a canvas is easy enough for you." Keefe teases back as he grabs his bag that he set on a random stone bench. He pulls out two folded up wooden easels, putting them together and setting them next to one another. He then grabs two medium sized canvas' and set them on the easels. Finally he grabs some paint, brushes and a few cups, putting all of the supplies on the two easel's.

"Wait a second," Keefe says, Sophie watching as he grabs the cups and wanders off somewhere, coming back with them filled with water. "There's a small stream off a bit from here." Sophie's lips form into an 'o' shape, nodding her head to show she understood.

Keefe then picks up a paint brush, dabbing it in water before unscrewing the paint which was held in jars, dipping his brush into a pretty blue.

He gets to it, soft and small strokes slowly creating an image.

Sophie just stares in awe, looking back at her own canvas and frowning.

"Yeah, I don't know if I can do this." Sophie informs, Keefe chuckling at her words.

my first and last love || sokeefe (slowly editting)Where stories live. Discover now