chapter nine: and here i thought i was good

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Sophie was confident in her card skills. She would spend days and days playing numerous card games with Amy. What grew from Sophie playing with her sister as some fun sibling bonding turned into sibling rivalry. When monopoly was out? The two forgot all relations with one another.

However, Sophie's lucky streak with the card game Blackjack was not working in her favor at the moment.

Tam was destroying her in Blackjack as he set down a 20 that easily beat Sophie's 16.

"Looks like lady luck is not on your side today." Tam mused, grabbing the cards to shuffle the deck once more.

So far Tam was in the lead by a long shot, with a score of 7-5. The two of them planned on stopping at ten. Sophie would need some miracle for her to catch up with Tam if she wanted to win this.

"By the way," Tam paused, the only noise in the room the shuffling of cards. "Where is that boyfriend of yours? Seems to be running late."

One of the rules that the two had set that if someone wanted in the bet, they had to be there when the bet was commencing. If someone wasn't there, they were in the dark of what the bet was. Tam said it added humor to the whole punishment. Sophie said it added more flare to the punishment.

Biana, Linh, Dex, and Marella were present with Fitz saying he was drowning in homework so he wouldn't see both of them much anyways and Keefe was... well he was doing whatever he was doing.

"I'm sure he'll come. You know how he is. Always fashionably late to things." Sophie frowns, muttering a string of curse words under her breath.

"Well let's start the next game."

✄- - - - - - - - - -

Keefe didn't understand why Sophie and Tam had to have stupid rules for their bets. Why don't they keep it simple with the loser does blank and the winner gets blank?

Currently, he was getting lectured by his father for who knows what. He came home to grab something quick and his father took the opportunity to chew his son out instead of going, "Hey son, how are you? How is school? Here is me being interested in your life for no selfish reasons!"

Keefe's about twenty minutes late and he wonders if one of them had already won. He's confident in Sophie, he's played all kinds of games with her-elvish or human and she's completely out bested him.

✄- - - - - - - - - -

Lady luck seemed to shine on Sophie at the last minute as she won the last few games, tying them at 9-9. All she had to do was win this game and she'd be fine.

"Splitting your deal? Doesn't look like your fairing too well Tam." Sophie muses, Tam's lips moving into a firm line.

"Don't get too cocky," Tam grins, picking up another card.

"I'll stay." Sophie grins, looking at her deck. She had a solid 19, there's no way Tam would beat her.

Sophie had never been so wrong in her life.

Tam sets down his double hand, showing one hand with a 19 and another with a 21.

"You've been on a lucky streak, didn't want to press my luck with my 19 so I split my hand," Tam explains, Sophie groaning.

Sophie looks around the room, groaning even louder when she doesn't see Keefe.

Her day couldn't get any worse.

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